The Blueprint For Formalizing Geometric Algebra in Lean

2.2 Operations

Same as the previous section, let \(M\) be a module over a commutative ring \(R\), equipped with a quadratic form \(Q: M \to R\).

We also use \(m\) or \(m_1, m_2, \dots \) to denote elements of \(M\), i.e. vectors, and \(x, y, z\) to denote elements of \(\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\).

Definition 2.2.1 Grade involution

Grade involution, intuitively, is negating each basis vector.

Formally, it’s an algebra homomorphism \(\alpha : \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q) \to _{a}\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\), satisfying:

  1. \(\alpha \circ \alpha = \operatorname {id}\)

  2. \(\alpha (\iota (m)) = - \iota (m)\)

for all \(m \in M\).

It’s called main involution \(\alpha \) or main automorphism in [ Jadczyk(2019) ] , the canonical automorphism in [ Gallier(2008) ] .

It’s denoted \(\hat{m}\) in [ Lounesto(2001) ] , \(\alpha (m)\) in [ Jadczyk(2019) ] , \(m^*\) in [ Chisolm(2012) ] .

\begin{tikzcd} [column sep=huge, row sep=huge]
    \Cl(Q) \arrow[r, "\alpha"] & \Cl(Q) \\
    V \arrow[ru, "-\iota"] \arrow[u, "\iota"]
Definition 2.2.2 Grade reversion

Grade reversion, intuitively, is reversing the multiplication order of basis vectors.

Formally, it’s an algebra homomorphism \(\tau : \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q) \to _{a}\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)^{\mathtt{op}}\), satisfying:

  1. \(\tau (m_1 m_2) = \tau (m_2) \tau (m_1)\)

  2. \(\tau \circ \tau = \operatorname {id}\)

  3. \(\tau (\iota (m)) = \iota (m)\)

It’s called anti-involution \(\tau \) in [ Jadczyk(2019) ] , the canonical anti-automorphism in [ Gallier(2008) ] , also called transpose/ transposition in some literature, following tensor algebra or matrix.

It’s denoted \(\tilde{m}\) in [ Lounesto(2001) ] , \(m^\tau \) in [ Jadczyk(2019) ] (with variants like \(m^t\) or \(m^\top \) in other literatures), \(m^\dagger \) in [ Chisolm(2012) ] .

\begin{tikzcd} [column sep=huge, row sep=huge]
    \Cl(Q) \arrow[r, "\tau"] & \Cl(Q)^{\mathtt{op}} \\
    V \arrow[ru, "\iota"] \arrow[u, "\iota"]
Definition 2.2.3 Clifford conjugate

Clifford conjugate is an algebra homomorphism \({*} : \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q) \to _{a}\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\), denoted \(x^{*}\) (or even \(x^\dagger \), \(x^v\) in some literatures), defined to be:

\[ x^{*} = \operatorname {reverse}(\operatorname {involute}(x)) = \tau (\alpha (x)) \]

for all \(x \in \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\), satisfying (as a \(*\)-ring):

  1. \((x + y)^{*} = (x)^{*} + (y)^{*}\)

  2. \((x y)^{*} = (y)^{*} (x)^{*}\)

  3. \({*} \circ {*} = \operatorname {id}\)

  4. \(1^{*} = 1\)

and (as a \(*\)-algebra):

\[ (r x)^{*} = r' x^{*} \]

for all \(r \in R\), \(x, y \in \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\) where \('\) is the involution of the commutative \(*\)-ring \(R\).

Note: In our current formalization in Mathlib , the application of the involution on \(r\) is ignored, as there appears to be nothing in the literature that advocates doing this.

Clifford conjugate is denoted \(\bar{m}\) in [ Lounesto(2001) ] and most literatures, \(m^\ddagger \) in [ Chisolm(2012) ] .

Definition 2.2.4 \(Z_2\)-graded derivations \(i_f\), anti-derivation

We denote by \(\operatorname {End}(M)\) the algebra of all endomorphisms (linear maps) of \(M\).

For \(m \in M\), the linear operator \(e_{m} \in \operatorname {End}(\mathrm{T}(M))\), \(\mathrm{T}^{p}(M) \rightarrow \mathrm{T}^{p+1}(M)\) is of left multiplication by \(m\) :

\[ e_{m}: x \mapsto e_{m}(x) = m \otimes x \]

for all \(x \in \mathrm{T}(M)\).

Let \(f\) be an element of the dual module \(M^{*}\).

The anti-derivation \(i_{f} : T(M) \to _{l[T]}(M)\) is a linear map from \(T(M)\) to \(T(M)\), satisfying:

  1. \(i_{f}(1) = 0\)

  2. \(e_{m} \circ i_{f} + i_{f} \circ e_{m} = f(m) \cdot 1\) for all \(m \in M\)

The map \(f \mapsto i_{f}\) from \(M^{*}\) to linear transformations on \(T(M)\) is linear. We have

  1. \(i_{f}(m \otimes x) = f(m) x - m \otimes i_{f}(x)\) for all \(m \in M \subset T(M)\), \(x \in T(M)\)

  2. \(i_{f}\left( T^{p} M \right) \subset T^{p-1} M\)

  3. \(i_{f}^{2} = 0\)

  4. \(i_{f} i_{g} + i_{g} i_{f} = 0\), for all \(f, g \in M^{*}\)

For \(m_{1}, \ldots , m_{p} \in M\) we have

\[ i_{f}\left(m_{1} \otimes \cdots \otimes m_{p}\right)=\sum _{i=1}^{p}(-1)^{i-1} f\left(m_{i}\right) m_{1} \otimes \cdots \otimes \check{m}_{i} \otimes \cdots \otimes m_{p} \]

where \(\check{m}_{i}\) denotes deletion (of \(m_i\) from the multiplication).

For a quadratic form \(Q\) on \(M\), \(\bar{i}_{f}\) can be defined on the quotient Clifford algebra:

\[ \iota \circ i_{f} = \bar{i}_{f} \circ \iota , \]


  1. \(\bar{i}_{f}(1) = 0\) for \(1 \in \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\)

  2. \(\bar{i}_{f}\left( \iota (m) x \right) = f(m) x - \iota (m) \bar{i}_{f}(x)\) for all \(m \in M\), \(x \in \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\)

Let \(F\) be a bilinear form on \(M\). Then every \(m \in M\) determines a linear form \(f_{m}\) on \(M\) defined as \(f_{m}(m') = F(m, m')\).

We will denote by \(i_{m}^{F}\) the antiderivation \(i_{f_{m}}\). We have:

  1. \(i_{m}^{F}(1) = 0\),

  2. \( i_{m}^{F}(m' \otimes x) = F(m, m') x - m' \otimes i_{m}^{F}(x) \) for all \(m' \in M, x \in T(M)\)

For \(x_{1}, \ldots , x_{n}\) in \(T(M)\), we have

\[ i_{m}^{F}\left(x_{1} \otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n}\right) = \sum _{j=1}^{n}(-1)^{j-1} F\left(m, x_{j}\right) x_{1} \otimes \cdots \otimes \check{x}_{j} \otimes \cdots \otimes x_{n} \]

As it was in the case with \(\bar{i}_{f}\), we will denote by \(\bar{i}_{x}^{F}\) the antiderivation \(\bar{i}_{f}\) for \(f_m(m') = F(m, m')\) :

\[ \bar{i}_{m}^{F}=\bar{i}_{f} \]

for \(f_m(m') = F(m, m'), (m, m' \in M)\)

This is the approach used in [ Bourbaki(2007) ] , and re-introduced in [ Jadczyk(2019) , Jadczyk(2023) ] .

\(\bar{i_f}\) is denoted \(\partial _v\) for \(v \in \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)_1\) in [ Lundholm and Svensson(2009) ] .

This is closely related to contraction (i.e. \(\iota (m)\rfloor x = m \rfloor _{F} x \doteq \bar{i}_{m}^{F}(x)\) for \(Q = 0\) ) and interior product.