The Blueprint For Formalizing Geometric Algebra in Lean

2.1 Definition

Let \(M\) be a module over a commutative ring \(R\), equipped with a quadratic form \(Q: M \to R\).

Definition 2.1.1 Clifford algebra

Let \(\iota : M \to _{l[R]} T(M)\) be the canonical \(R\)-linear map for the tensor algebra \(T(M)\).

Let \(\mathit{1}: R \to _{+*}T(M)\) be the canonical map from \(R\) to \(T(M)\), as a ring homomorphism.

A Clifford algebra over \(Q\), denoted \(\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\), is the ring quotient of the tensor algebra \(T(M)\) by the equivalence relation satisfying \(\iota (m)^2 \sim \mathit{1}(Q(m))\) for all \(m \in M\).

The natural quotient map is denoted \(\pi : T(M) \to \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\) in some literatures, or \(\pi _\Phi \)/\(\pi _Q\) to emphasize the bilinear form \(\Phi \) or the quadratic form \(Q\), respectively.

Remark 2.1.2

In literatures, \(M\) is often written \(V\), and the quotient is taken by the two-sided ideal \(I_Q\) generated from the set \(\{ v \otimes v - Q(v) \: \vert \: v \in V \} \).

As of writing, Mathlib does not have direct support for two-sided ideals, but it does support the equivalent operation of taking the ring quotient by a suitable closure of a relation like \(v \otimes v \sim Q(v)\).

Hence the definition above.

Remark 2.1.3

This definition and what follows in Mathlib is initially presented in [ Wieser and Song(2022) ] , some further developments are based on [ Grinberg(2016) ] , and in turn based on [ Bourbaki(2007) ] which is in French and never translated to English.

The most informative English reference on [ Bourbaki(2007) ] is
[ Jadczyk(2019) ] , which has an updated exposition in [ Jadczyk(2023) ] .

Example 2.1.4 Clifford algebra over a vector space

Let \(V\) be a vector space \(\mathbb R^n\) over \(\mathbb R\), equipped with a quadratic form \(Q\).

Since \(\mathbb R\) is a commutative ring and \(V\) is a module, definition 2.1.1 of Clifford algebra applies.

Definition 2.1.5 Clifford map

We denote the canonical \(R\)-linear map to the Clifford algebra \(\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(M)\) by \(\iota : M \to _{l[R]} \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(M)\).

It’s denoted \(i_\Phi \) or just \(i\) in some literatures.

Definition 2.1.6 Clifford lift

Given a linear map \(f : M \to _{l[R]} A\) into an \(R\)-algebra \(A\), satisfying \(f(m)^2 = Q(m)\) for all \(m \in M\), called is Clifford, the canonical lift of \(f\) is defined to be a algebra homomorphism from \(\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\) to \(A\), denoted \(\operatorname {lift} f : \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q) \to _{a}A\).

Theorem 2.1.7 Universal property

Given \(f : M \to _{l[R]} A\), which is Clifford, \(F = \operatorname {lift} f\) (denoted \(\bar{f}\) in some literatures), we have:

1) \(F \circ \iota = f\), i.e. the following diagram commutes:

\begin{tikzcd} [column sep=huge, row sep=huge]
    \Cl(Q) \arrow[r, "F = \operatorname{lift} f"] & A \\
    V \arrow[ru, "f"'] \arrow[u, "\iota"]

2) \(\operatorname {lift}\) is unique, i.e. given \(G : \mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q) \to _{a}A\), we have:

\( G \circ \iota = f \iff G = \operatorname {lift} f\)

Remark 2.1.8

The universal property of the Clifford algebras is now proven, and should be used instead of the definition that is subject to change.

Definition 2.1.9 Exterior algebra

An Exterior algebra over \(M\) is the Clifford algebra \(\mathop{\mathcal{C}\ell }(Q)\) where \(Q(m) = 0\) for all \(m \in M\).