The Blueprint For Formalizing Geometric Algebra in Lean

1.3 Forms

Definition 1.3.1 Bilinear form

Let \(R\) be a ring, \(M\) an \(R\)-module. An bilinear form \(B\) over \(M\) is a map \(B : M \to M \to R\), satisfying:

  1. \( B(x + y, z) = B(x, z) +B(y, z) \)

  2. \( B(x, y + z) = B(x, y) +B(x, z) \)

  3. \( B(a \bullet x, y) = a * B(x, y)\)

  4. \( B(x, a \bullet y) = a * B(x, y)\)

for all \(a \in R, x, y, z \in M\).

Definition 1.3.2 Quadratic form

Let \(R\) be a commutative ring, \(M\) a \(R\)-module. An quadratic form \(Q\) over \(M\) is a map \(Q : M \to R\), satisfying:

  1. \( Q(a \bullet x) = a * a * Q(x)\) for all \(a \in R, x \in M\).

  2. there exists a companion bilinear form \(B : M \to M \to R\), such that \(Q(x + y) = Q(x) + Q(y) + B(x, y)\)

In some literatures, the bilinear form is denoted \(\Phi \), and called the polar form associated with the quadratic form \(Q\), or simply the polar form of \(Q\).

Remark 1.3.3

This notion generalizes to commutative semirings using the approach in [ Izhakian et al.(2016) ] .