Cyclic permutations #
This file develops the theory of cycles in permutations.
Main definitions #
In the following, f : Equiv.Perm β
:f.SameCycle x y
are in the same cycle off
is a cycle if any two nonfixed points off
are related by repeated applications off
, andf
is not the identity.Equiv.Perm.IsCycleOn
is a cycle on a sets
when any two points ofs
are related by repeated applications off
The following two definitions require that β
is a Fintype
:f.cycleOf x
is the cycle off
belongs to.Equiv.Perm.cycleFactors
is a list of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply tof
Main results #
- This file contains several closure results:
: The symmetric group is generated by cyclesclosure_cycle_adjacent_swap
: The symmetric group is generated by a cycle and an adjacent transpositionclosure_cycle_coprime_swap
: The symmetric group is generated by a cycle and a coprime transpositionclosure_prime_cycle_swap
: The symmetric group is generated by a prime cycle and a transposition
Notes #
and Equiv.Perm.IsCycleOn
are different in three ways:
The equivalence relation indicating that two points are in the same cycle of a permutation.
- Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f x y = ∃ i, ↑(f ^ i) x = y
Instances For
The setoid defined by the SameCycle
- Equiv.Perm.SameCycle.setoid f = { r := Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f, iseqv := (_ : Equivalence (Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f)) }
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_apply_left
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_apply_left
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_apply_right
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_apply_right
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv_apply_left
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv_apply_left
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv_apply_right
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_inv_apply_right
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_pow_left
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_pow_left
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_pow_right
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_pow_right
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_zpow_left
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_zpow_left
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_zpow_right
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_zpow_right
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_subtypePerm
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.sameCycle_extendDomain
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
A cycle is a non identity permutation where any two nonfixed points of the permutation are related by repeated application of the permutation.
- Equiv.Perm.IsCycle f = ∃ x, ↑f x ≠ x ∧ ∀ ⦃y : α⦄, ↑f y ≠ y → Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f x y
Instances For
The subgroup generated by a cycle is in bijection with its support
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Instances For
Unlike support_congr
, which assumes that ∀ (x ∈, f x = g x)
, here
we have the weaker assumption that ∀ (x ∈, f x = g x
If two cyclic permutations agree on all terms in their intersection, and that intersection is not empty, then the two cyclic permutations must be equal.
A permutation is a cycle on s
when any two points of s
are related by repeated application
of the permutation. Note that this means the identity is a cycle of subsingleton sets.
- Equiv.Perm.IsCycleOn f s = (Set.BijOn (↑f) s s ∧ ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x ∈ s → ∀ ⦃y : α⦄, y ∈ s → Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f x y)
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.isCycleOn_one
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.isCycleOn_one
Alias of the reverse direction of Equiv.Perm.isCycleOn_inv
Alias of the forward direction of Equiv.Perm.isCycleOn_inv
This lemma demonstrates the relation between Equiv.Perm.IsCycle
and Equiv.Perm.IsCycleOn
in non-degenerate cases.
Note that the identity satisfies IsCycleOn
for any subsingleton set, but not IsCycle
Note that the identity is a cycle on any subsingleton set, but not a cycle.
f.cycleOf x
is the cycle of the permutation f
to which x
- Equiv.Perm.cycleOf f x = ↑Equiv.Perm.ofSubtype (Equiv.Perm.subtypePerm f (_ : ∀ (x : α), Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f x x ↔ Equiv.Perm.SameCycle f x (↑f x)))
Instances For
is in the support of f
iff Equiv.Perm.cycle_of f x
is a cycle.
Given a list l : List α
and a permutation f : perm α
whose nonfixed points are all in l
recursively factors f
into cycles.
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Instances For
Factors a permutation f
into a list of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply to f
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Instances For
Factors a permutation f
into a list of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply to f
without a linear order.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Factors a permutation f
into a Finset
of disjoint cyclic permutations that multiply to f
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The product of cycle factors is equal to the original f : perm α
Two permutations f g : perm α
have the same cycle factors iff they are the same.
If c is a cycle, a ∈ and c is a cycle of f, then c = f.cycleOf a
Fixed points #
We can partition the square s ×ˢ s
into shifted diagonals as such:
The diagonals are given by the cycle f