

Rings and Fin #

This file collects some basic results involving rings and the Fin type

Main results #

theorem RingEquiv.piFinTwo_symm_apply (R : Fin 2Type u_1) [(i : Fin 2) → Semiring (R i)] :
∀ (a : R 0 × R 1) (i : Fin 2), ↑(RingEquiv.symm (RingEquiv.piFinTwo R)) a i = Equiv.invFun ((i : Fin 2) → R i) (R 0 × R 1) (piFinTwoEquiv R) a i
theorem RingEquiv.piFinTwo_apply (R : Fin 2Type u_1) [(i : Fin 2) → Semiring (R i)] (a : (i : Fin 2) → R i) :
def RingEquiv.piFinTwo (R : Fin 2Type u_1) [(i : Fin 2) → Semiring (R i)] :
((i : Fin 2) → R i) ≃+* R 0 × R 1

The product over Fin 2 of some rings is just the cartesian product of these rings.

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Instances For