

Monoid, group etc structures on M × N #

In this file we define one-binop (Monoid, Group etc) structures on M × N. We also prove trivial simp lemmas, and define the following operations on MonoidHoms:

Main declarations #

instance Prod.instAdd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] :
Add (M × N)
  • Prod.instAdd = { add := fun p q => (p.fst + q.fst, p.snd + q.snd) }
instance Prod.instMul {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] :
Mul (M × N)
  • Prod.instMul = { mul := fun p q => (p.fst * q.fst, p.snd * q.snd) }
theorem Prod.fst_add {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
(p + q).fst = p.fst + q.fst
theorem Prod.fst_mul {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
(p * q).fst = p.fst * q.fst
theorem Prod.snd_add {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
(p + q).snd = p.snd + q.snd
theorem Prod.snd_mul {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
(p * q).snd = p.snd * q.snd
theorem Prod.mk_add_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] (a₁ : M) (a₂ : M) (b₁ : N) (b₂ : N) :
(a₁, b₁) + (a₂, b₂) = (a₁ + a₂, b₁ + b₂)
theorem Prod.mk_mul_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] (a₁ : M) (a₂ : M) (b₁ : N) (b₂ : N) :
(a₁, b₁) * (a₂, b₂) = (a₁ * a₂, b₁ * b₂)
theorem Prod.swap_add {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
theorem Prod.swap_mul {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
theorem Prod.add_def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
p + q = (p.fst + q.fst, p.snd + q.snd)
theorem Prod.mul_def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] (p : M × N) (q : M × N) :
p * q = (p.fst * q.fst, p.snd * q.snd)
theorem Prod.zero_mk_add_zero_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddMonoid M] [Add N] (b₁ : N) (b₂ : N) :
(0, b₁) + (0, b₂) = (0, b₁ + b₂)
theorem Prod.one_mk_mul_one_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Monoid M] [Mul N] (b₁ : N) (b₂ : N) :
(1, b₁) * (1, b₂) = (1, b₁ * b₂)
theorem Prod.mk_zero_add_mk_zero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [AddMonoid N] (a₁ : M) (a₂ : M) :
(a₁, 0) + (a₂, 0) = (a₁ + a₂, 0)
theorem Prod.mk_one_mul_mk_one {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Monoid N] (a₁ : M) (a₂ : M) :
(a₁, 1) * (a₂, 1) = (a₁ * a₂, 1)
instance Prod.instZero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] :
Zero (M × N)
  • Prod.instZero = { zero := (0, 0) }
instance Prod.instOne {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] :
One (M × N)
  • Prod.instOne = { one := (1, 1) }
theorem Prod.fst_zero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] :
0.fst = 0
theorem Prod.fst_one {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] :
1.fst = 1
theorem Prod.snd_zero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] :
0.snd = 0
theorem Prod.snd_one {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] :
1.snd = 1
theorem Prod.zero_eq_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] :
0 = (0, 0)
theorem Prod.one_eq_mk {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] :
1 = (1, 1)
theorem Prod.mk_eq_zero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] {x : M} {y : N} :
(x, y) = 0 x = 0 y = 0
theorem Prod.mk_eq_one {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] {x : M} {y : N} :
(x, y) = 1 x = 1 y = 1
theorem Prod.swap_zero {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Zero M] [Zero N] :
theorem Prod.swap_one {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [One M] [One N] :
theorem Prod.fst_add_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (p : M × N) :
(p.fst, 0) + (0, p.snd) = p
theorem Prod.fst_mul_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (p : M × N) :
(p.fst, 1) * (1, p.snd) = p
instance Prod.instNeg {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Neg M] [Neg N] :
Neg (M × N)
  • Prod.instNeg = { neg := fun p => (-p.fst, -p.snd) }
instance Prod.instInv {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Inv M] [Inv N] :
Inv (M × N)
  • Prod.instInv = { inv := fun p => (p.fst⁻¹, p.snd⁻¹) }
theorem Prod.fst_neg {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Neg G] [Neg H] (p : G × H) :
(-p).fst = -p.fst
theorem Prod.fst_inv {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Inv G] [Inv H] (p : G × H) :
p⁻¹.fst = p.fst⁻¹
theorem Prod.snd_neg {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Neg G] [Neg H] (p : G × H) :
(-p).snd = -p.snd
theorem Prod.snd_inv {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Inv G] [Inv H] (p : G × H) :
p⁻¹.snd = p.snd⁻¹
theorem Prod.neg_mk {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Neg G] [Neg H] (a : G) (b : H) :
-(a, b) = (-a, -b)
theorem Prod.inv_mk {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Inv G] [Inv H] (a : G) (b : H) :
(a, b)⁻¹ = (a⁻¹, b⁻¹)
theorem Prod.swap_neg {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Neg G] [Neg H] (p : G × H) :
theorem Prod.swap_inv {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Inv G] [Inv H] (p : G × H) :
instance Prod.instInvolutiveNegSum {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [InvolutiveNeg M] [InvolutiveNeg N] :
theorem Prod.instInvolutiveNegSum.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [InvolutiveNeg M] [InvolutiveNeg N] :
∀ (x : M × N), - -x = x
instance Prod.instInvolutiveInvProd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [InvolutiveInv M] [InvolutiveInv N] :
instance Prod.instSub {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Sub M] [Sub N] :
Sub (M × N)
  • Prod.instSub = { sub := fun p q => (p.fst - q.fst, p.snd - q.snd) }
instance Prod.instDiv {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Div M] [Div N] :
Div (M × N)
  • Prod.instDiv = { div := fun p q => (p.fst / q.fst, p.snd / q.snd) }
theorem Prod.fst_sub {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Sub G] [Sub H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
(a - b).fst = a.fst - b.fst
theorem Prod.fst_div {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Div G] [Div H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
(a / b).fst = a.fst / b.fst
theorem Prod.snd_sub {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Sub G] [Sub H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
(a - b).snd = a.snd - b.snd
theorem Prod.snd_div {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Div G] [Div H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
(a / b).snd = a.snd / b.snd
theorem Prod.mk_sub_mk {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Sub G] [Sub H] (x₁ : G) (x₂ : G) (y₁ : H) (y₂ : H) :
(x₁, y₁) - (x₂, y₂) = (x₁ - x₂, y₁ - y₂)
theorem Prod.mk_div_mk {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Div G] [Div H] (x₁ : G) (x₂ : G) (y₁ : H) (y₂ : H) :
(x₁, y₁) / (x₂, y₂) = (x₁ / x₂, y₁ / y₂)
theorem Prod.swap_sub {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Sub G] [Sub H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
theorem Prod.swap_div {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Div G] [Div H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
instance Prod.instMulZeroClassProd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulZeroClass M] [MulZeroClass N] :
theorem Prod.instAddSemigroup.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddSemigroup M] [AddSemigroup N] :
∀ (x x_1 x_2 : M × N), ((x + x_1).fst + x_2.fst, (x + x_1).snd + x_2.snd) = (x.fst + (x_1 + x_2).fst, x.snd + (x_1 + x_2).snd)
instance Prod.instAddSemigroup {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddSemigroup M] [AddSemigroup N] :
  • Prod.instAddSemigroup = (_ : ∀ (x x_1 x_2 : M × N), ((x + x_1).fst + x_2.fst, (x + x_1).snd + x_2.snd) = (x.fst + (x_1 + x_2).fst, x.snd + (x_1 + x_2).snd))
instance Prod.instSemigroup {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Semigroup M] [Semigroup N] :
  • Prod.instSemigroup = (_ : ∀ (x x_1 x_2 : M × N), ((x * x_1).fst * x_2.fst, (x * x_1).snd * x_2.snd) = (x.fst * (x_1 * x_2).fst, x.snd * (x_1 * x_2).snd))
theorem Prod.instAddCommSemigroup.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddCommSemigroup G] [AddCommSemigroup H] :
∀ (x x_1 : G × H), (x.fst + x_1.fst, x.snd + x_1.snd) = (x_1.fst + x.fst, x_1.snd + x.snd)
  • Prod.instAddCommSemigroup = (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : G × H), (x.fst + x_1.fst, x.snd + x_1.snd) = (x_1.fst + x.fst, x_1.snd + x.snd))
instance Prod.instCommSemigroup {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [CommSemigroup G] [CommSemigroup H] :
  • Prod.instCommSemigroup = (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : G × H), (x.fst * x_1.fst, x.snd * x_1.snd) = (x_1.fst * x.fst, x_1.snd * x.snd))
theorem Prod.instAddZeroClass.proof_2 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (a : M × N) :
a + 0 = a
instance Prod.instAddZeroClass {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
theorem Prod.instAddZeroClass.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (a : M × N) :
0 + a = a
instance Prod.instMulOneClass {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
theorem Prod.instAddMonoid.proof_4 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (z : ) (a : M × N) :
(fun z a => (AddMonoid.nsmul z a.fst, AddMonoid.nsmul z a.snd)) (z + 1) a = a + (fun z a => (AddMonoid.nsmul z a.fst, AddMonoid.nsmul z a.snd)) z a
instance Prod.instAddMonoid {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] :
theorem Prod.instAddMonoid.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (a : M × N) :
0 + a = a
theorem Prod.instAddMonoid.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (z : M × N) :
(fun z a => (AddMonoid.nsmul z a.fst, AddMonoid.nsmul z a.snd)) 0 z = 0
theorem Prod.instAddMonoid.proof_2 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (a : M × N) :
a + 0 = a
instance Prod.instMonoid {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Monoid M] [Monoid N] :
Monoid (M × N)
theorem Prod.subNegMonoid.proof_2 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubNegMonoid G] [SubNegMonoid H] :
∀ (x : G × H), (fun z a => (SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.fst, SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.snd)) 0 x = 0
theorem Prod.subNegMonoid.proof_3 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubNegMonoid G] [SubNegMonoid H] :
∀ (x : ) (x_1 : G × H), (fun z a => (SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.fst, SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.snd)) (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ x)) x_1 = x_1 + (fun z a => (SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.fst, SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.snd)) (Int.ofNat x) x_1
theorem Prod.subNegMonoid.proof_4 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubNegMonoid G] [SubNegMonoid H] :
∀ (x : ) (x_1 : G × H), (fun z a => (SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.fst, SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.snd)) (Int.negSucc x) x_1 = -(fun z a => (SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.fst, SubNegMonoid.zsmul z a.snd)) (↑(Nat.succ x)) x_1
theorem Prod.subNegMonoid.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubNegMonoid G] [SubNegMonoid H] :
∀ (x x_1 : G × H), (x.fst - x_1.fst, x.snd - x_1.snd) = (x.fst + (-x_1).fst, x.snd + (-x_1).snd)
instance Prod.subNegMonoid {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [SubNegMonoid G] [SubNegMonoid H] :
instance Prod.instDivInvMonoidProd {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [DivInvMonoid G] [DivInvMonoid H] :
theorem Prod.instDivisionAddMonoidSum.proof_2 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubtractionMonoid G] [SubtractionMonoid H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) :
-(a + b) = -b + -a
theorem Prod.instDivisionAddMonoidSum.proof_3 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubtractionMonoid G] [SubtractionMonoid H] (a : G × H) (b : G × H) (h : a + b = 0) :
-a = b
theorem Prod.SubtractionCommMonoid.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [SubtractionCommMonoid G] [SubtractionCommMonoid H] :
∀ (x x_1 : G × H), x + x_1 = x_1 + x
abbrev Prod.SubtractionCommMonoid.match_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} (motive : G × HProp) :
(x : G × H) → ((fst : G) → (snd : H) → motive (fst, snd)) → motive x
Instances For
    theorem Prod.instAddGroup.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] :
    ∀ (x : G × H), ((-x).fst + x.fst, (-x).snd + x.snd) = (0, 0)
    instance Prod.instAddGroup {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [AddGroup G] [AddGroup H] :
    AddGroup (G × H)
    • Prod.instAddGroup = (_ : ∀ (x : G × H), ((-x).fst + x.fst, (-x).snd + x.snd) = (0, 0))
    instance Prod.instGroup {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [Group G] [Group H] :
    Group (G × H)
    theorem Prod.instAddLeftCancelSemigroupSum.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddLeftCancelSemigroup G] [AddLeftCancelSemigroup H] :
    ∀ (x x_1 x_2 : G × H), x + x_1 = x + x_2x_1 = x_2
    theorem Prod.instAddRightCancelSemigroupSum.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddRightCancelSemigroup G] [AddRightCancelSemigroup H] :
    ∀ (x x_1 x_2 : G × H), x + x_1 = x_2 + x_1x = x_2
    theorem Prod.instAddLeftCancelMonoidSum.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddLeftCancelMonoid M] [AddLeftCancelMonoid N] :
    ∀ (x : M × N), nsmulRec 0 x = nsmulRec 0 x
    theorem Prod.instAddLeftCancelMonoidSum.proof_4 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddLeftCancelMonoid M] [AddLeftCancelMonoid N] :
    ∀ (n : ) (x : M × N), nsmulRec (n + 1) x = nsmulRec (n + 1) x
    theorem Prod.instAddRightCancelMonoidSum.proof_4 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddRightCancelMonoid M] [AddRightCancelMonoid N] :
    ∀ (n : ) (x : M × N), nsmulRec (n + 1) x = nsmulRec (n + 1) x
    theorem Prod.instAddRightCancelMonoidSum.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddRightCancelMonoid M] [AddRightCancelMonoid N] :
    ∀ (x : M × N), nsmulRec 0 x = nsmulRec 0 x
    theorem Prod.instAddCancelMonoidSum.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddCancelMonoid M] [AddCancelMonoid N] (a : M × N) (a : M × N) (a : M × N) :
    a + a = a + aa = a
    instance Prod.instCancelMonoidProd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [CancelMonoid M] [CancelMonoid N] :
    instance Prod.instAddCommMonoid {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid M] [AddCommMonoid N] :
    theorem Prod.instAddCommMonoid.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] [AddCommMonoid N] :
    ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), x + x_1 = x_1 + x
    instance Prod.instCommMonoid {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [CommMonoid M] [CommMonoid N] :
    theorem Prod.instAddCancelCommMonoidSum.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddCancelCommMonoid M] [AddCancelCommMonoid N] :
    ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), x + x_1 = x_1 + x
    instance Prod.instAddCommGroup {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] :
    theorem Prod.instAddCommGroup.proof_1 {G : Type u_1} {H : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup G] [AddCommGroup H] :
    ∀ (x x_1 : G × H), x + x_1 = x_1 + x
    instance Prod.instCommGroup {G : Type u_3} {H : Type u_4} [CommGroup G] [CommGroup H] :
    def AddHom.fst (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [Add M] [Add N] :
    AddHom (M × N) M

    Given additive magmas A, B, the natural projection homomorphism from A × B to A

    • AddHom.fst M N = { toFun := Prod.fst, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x + x_1).fst = (x + x_1).fst) }
    Instances For
      theorem AddHom.fst.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [Add M] [Add N] :
      ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x + x_1).fst = (x + x_1).fst
      def MulHom.fst (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [Mul M] [Mul N] :
      M × N →ₙ* M

      Given magmas M, N, the natural projection homomorphism from M × N to M.

      • MulHom.fst M N = { toFun := Prod.fst, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x * x_1).fst = (x * x_1).fst) }
      Instances For
        def AddHom.snd (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [Add M] [Add N] :
        AddHom (M × N) N

        Given additive magmas A, B, the natural projection homomorphism from A × B to B

        • AddHom.snd M N = { toFun := Prod.snd, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x + x_1).snd = (x + x_1).snd) }
        Instances For
          theorem AddHom.snd.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [Add M] [Add N] :
          ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x + x_1).snd = (x + x_1).snd
          def MulHom.snd (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [Mul M] [Mul N] :
          M × N →ₙ* N

          Given magmas M, N, the natural projection homomorphism from M × N to N.

          • MulHom.snd M N = { toFun := Prod.snd, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), (x * x_1).snd = (x * x_1).snd) }
          Instances For
            theorem AddHom.coe_fst {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] :
            ↑(AddHom.fst M N) = Prod.fst
            theorem MulHom.coe_fst {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] :
            ↑(MulHom.fst M N) = Prod.fst
            theorem AddHom.coe_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Add M] [Add N] :
            ↑(AddHom.snd M N) = Prod.snd
            theorem MulHom.coe_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Mul M] [Mul N] :
            ↑(MulHom.snd M N) = Prod.snd
            def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) :
            AddHom M (N × P)

            Combine two AddMonoidHoms f : AddHom M N, g : AddHom M P into g : AddHom M (N × P) given by ( g) x = (f x, g x)

            Instances For
              theorem {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_2} {P : Type u_1} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) (x : M) (y : M) :
     (f) (g) (x + y) = (f) (g) x + (f) (g) y
              def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : M →ₙ* P) :
              M →ₙ* N × P

              Combine two MonoidHoms f : M →ₙ* N, g : M →ₙ* P into g : M →ₙ* (N × P) given by ( g) x = (f x, g x).

              Instances For
                theorem AddHom.coe_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) :
                ↑( f g) = f g
                theorem MulHom.coe_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : M →ₙ* P) :
                ↑( f g) = f g
                theorem AddHom.prod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) (x : M) :
                ↑( f g) x = (f x, g x)
                theorem MulHom.prod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : M →ₙ* P) (x : M) :
                ↑( f g) x = (f x, g x)
                theorem AddHom.fst_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) :
                theorem MulHom.fst_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : M →ₙ* P) :
                theorem AddHom.snd_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M N) (g : AddHom M P) :
                theorem MulHom.snd_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N) (g : M →ₙ* P) :
                theorem AddHom.prod_unique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [Add P] (f : AddHom M (N × P)) :
                theorem MulHom.prod_unique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul P] (f : M →ₙ* N × P) :
                def AddHom.prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Add M] [Add N] [Add M'] [Add N'] (f : AddHom M M') (g : AddHom N N') :
                AddHom (M × N) (M' × N')

       as an AddMonoidHom

                Instances For
                  def MulHom.prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul M'] [Mul N'] (f : M →ₙ* M') (g : N →ₙ* N') :
                  M × N →ₙ* M' × N'

         as a MonoidHom.

                  Instances For
                    theorem AddHom.prodMap_def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Add M] [Add N] [Add M'] [Add N'] (f : AddHom M M') (g : AddHom N N') :
                    theorem MulHom.prodMap_def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul M'] [Mul N'] (f : M →ₙ* M') (g : N →ₙ* N') :
                    theorem AddHom.coe_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Add M] [Add N] [Add M'] [Add N'] (f : AddHom M M') (g : AddHom N N') :
                    ↑(AddHom.prodMap f g) = f g
                    theorem MulHom.coe_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul M'] [Mul N'] (f : M →ₙ* M') (g : N →ₙ* N') :
                    ↑(MulHom.prodMap f g) = f g
                    theorem AddHom.prod_comp_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Add M] [Add N] [Add M'] [Add N'] [Add P] (f : AddHom P M) (g : AddHom P N) (f' : AddHom M M') (g' : AddHom N N') :
                    theorem MulHom.prod_comp_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [Mul M] [Mul N] [Mul M'] [Mul N'] [Mul P] (f : P →ₙ* M) (g : P →ₙ* N) (f' : M →ₙ* M') (g' : N →ₙ* N') :
                    def AddHom.coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [AddCommSemigroup P] (f : AddHom M P) (g : AddHom N P) :
                    AddHom (M × N) P

                    Coproduct of two AddHoms with the same codomain: f.coprod g (p : M × N) = f p.1 + g p.2.

                    Instances For
                      def MulHom.coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [CommSemigroup P] (f : M →ₙ* P) (g : N →ₙ* P) :
                      M × N →ₙ* P

                      Coproduct of two MulHoms with the same codomain: f.coprod g (p : M × N) = f p.1 * g p.2.

                      Instances For
                        theorem AddHom.coprod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [AddCommSemigroup P] (f : AddHom M P) (g : AddHom N P) (p : M × N) :
                        ↑(AddHom.coprod f g) p = f p.fst + g p.snd
                        theorem MulHom.coprod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [CommSemigroup P] (f : M →ₙ* P) (g : N →ₙ* P) (p : M × N) :
                        ↑(MulHom.coprod f g) p = f p.fst * g p.snd
                        theorem AddHom.comp_coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Add M] [Add N] [AddCommSemigroup P] {Q : Type u_8} [AddCommSemigroup Q] (h : AddHom P Q) (f : AddHom M P) (g : AddHom N P) :
                        theorem MulHom.comp_coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [Mul M] [Mul N] [CommSemigroup P] {Q : Type u_8} [CommSemigroup Q] (h : P →ₙ* Q) (f : M →ₙ* P) (g : N →ₙ* P) :
                        theorem AddMonoidHom.fst.proof_2 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                        ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Prod.fst, map_zero' := (_ : 0.fst = 0.fst) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Prod.fst, map_zero' := (_ : 0.fst = 0.fst) } (x + x_1)
                        theorem AddMonoidHom.fst.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                        0.fst = 0.fst
                        def AddMonoidHom.fst (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                        M × N →+ M

                        Given additive monoids A, B, the natural projection homomorphism from A × B to A

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          def MonoidHom.fst (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                          M × N →* M

                          Given monoids M, N, the natural projection homomorphism from M × N to M.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem AddMonoidHom.snd.proof_2 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                            ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Prod.snd, map_zero' := (_ : 0.snd = 0.snd) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Prod.snd, map_zero' := (_ : 0.snd = 0.snd) } (x + x_1)
                            def AddMonoidHom.snd (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                            M × N →+ N

                            Given additive monoids A, B, the natural projection homomorphism from A × B to B

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              theorem AddMonoidHom.snd.proof_1 (M : Type u_2) (N : Type u_1) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                              0.snd = 0.snd
                              def MonoidHom.snd (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                              M × N →* N

                              Given monoids M, N, the natural projection homomorphism from M × N to N.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                theorem AddMonoidHom.inl.proof_2 (M : Type u_2) (N : Type u_1) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                ∀ (x x_1 : M), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun x => (x, 0), map_zero' := (_ : (fun x => (x, 0)) 0 = (fun x => (x, 0)) 0) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun x => (x, 0), map_zero' := (_ : (fun x => (x, 0)) 0 = (fun x => (x, 0)) 0) } x + ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun x => (x, 0), map_zero' := (_ : (fun x => (x, 0)) 0 = (fun x => (x, 0)) 0) } x_1
                                def AddMonoidHom.inl (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                M →+ M × N

                                Given additive monoids A, B, the natural inclusion homomorphism from A to A × B.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  theorem AddMonoidHom.inl.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                  (fun x => (x, 0)) 0 = (fun x => (x, 0)) 0
                                  def MonoidHom.inl (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                  M →* M × N

                                  Given monoids M, N, the natural inclusion homomorphism from M to M × N.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    def AddMonoidHom.inr (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                    N →+ M × N

                                    Given additive monoids A, B, the natural inclusion homomorphism from B to A × B.

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For
                                      theorem AddMonoidHom.inr.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                      (fun y => (0, y)) 0 = (fun y => (0, y)) 0
                                      theorem AddMonoidHom.inr.proof_2 (M : Type u_2) (N : Type u_1) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                      ∀ (x x_1 : N), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun y => (0, y), map_zero' := (_ : (fun y => (0, y)) 0 = (fun y => (0, y)) 0) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun y => (0, y), map_zero' := (_ : (fun y => (0, y)) 0 = (fun y => (0, y)) 0) } x + ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun y => (0, y), map_zero' := (_ : (fun y => (0, y)) 0 = (fun y => (0, y)) 0) } x_1
                                      def MonoidHom.inr (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                      N →* M × N

                                      Given monoids M, N, the natural inclusion homomorphism from N to M × N.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        theorem AddMonoidHom.coe_fst {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                        ↑(AddMonoidHom.fst M N) = Prod.fst
                                        theorem MonoidHom.coe_fst {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                        ↑(MonoidHom.fst M N) = Prod.fst
                                        theorem AddMonoidHom.coe_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                        ↑(AddMonoidHom.snd M N) = Prod.snd
                                        theorem MonoidHom.coe_snd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                        ↑(MonoidHom.snd M N) = Prod.snd
                                        theorem AddMonoidHom.inl_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (x : M) :
                                        ↑(AddMonoidHom.inl M N) x = (x, 0)
                                        theorem MonoidHom.inl_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (x : M) :
                                        ↑(MonoidHom.inl M N) x = (x, 1)
                                        theorem AddMonoidHom.inr_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (y : N) :
                                        ↑(AddMonoidHom.inr M N) y = (0, y)
                                        theorem MonoidHom.inr_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (y : N) :
                                        ↑(MonoidHom.inr M N) y = (1, y)
                                        theorem {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_2} {P : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) :
                               (f) (g) 0 = 0
                                        def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) :
                                        M →+ N × P

                                        Combine two AddMonoidHoms f : M →+ N, g : M →+ P into g : M →+ N × P given by ( g) x = (f x, g x)

                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For
                                          theorem {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_2} {P : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) (x : M) (y : M) :
                                          ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := f g, map_zero' := (_ : (f) (g) 0 = 0) } (x + y) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := f g, map_zero' := (_ : (f) (g) 0 = 0) } x + ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := f g, map_zero' := (_ : (f) (g) 0 = 0) } y
                                          def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N) (g : M →* P) :
                                          M →* N × P

                                          Combine two MonoidHoms f : M →* N, g : M →* P into g : M →* N × P given by ( g) x = (f x, g x).

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            theorem AddMonoidHom.coe_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) :
                                            ↑( f g) = f g
                                            theorem MonoidHom.coe_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N) (g : M →* P) :
                                            ↑( f g) = f g
                                            theorem AddMonoidHom.prod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) (x : M) :
                                            ↑( f g) x = (f x, g x)
                                            theorem MonoidHom.prod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N) (g : M →* P) (x : M) :
                                            ↑( f g) x = (f x, g x)
                                            theorem AddMonoidHom.fst_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) :
                                            theorem MonoidHom.fst_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N) (g : M →* P) :
                                            theorem AddMonoidHom.snd_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddZeroClass P] (f : M →+ N) (g : M →+ P) :
                                            theorem MonoidHom.snd_comp_prod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N) (g : M →* P) :
                                            theorem MonoidHom.prod_unique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [MulOneClass P] (f : M →* N × P) :
                                            def AddMonoidHom.prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M →+ M') (g : N →+ N') :
                                            M × N →+ M' × N'

                                   as an AddMonoidHom.

                                            Instances For
                                              def MonoidHom.prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] (f : M →* M') (g : N →* N') :
                                              M × N →* M' × N'

                                     as a MonoidHom.

                                              Instances For
                                                theorem MonoidHom.prodMap_def {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] (f : M →* M') (g : N →* N') :
                                                theorem AddMonoidHom.coe_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M →+ M') (g : N →+ N') :
                                                ↑(AddMonoidHom.prodMap f g) = f g
                                                theorem MonoidHom.coe_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] (f : M →* M') (g : N →* N') :
                                                ↑(MonoidHom.prodMap f g) = f g
                                                theorem AddMonoidHom.prod_comp_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] [AddZeroClass P] (f : P →+ M) (g : P →+ N) (f' : M →+ M') (g' : N →+ N') :
                                                theorem MonoidHom.prod_comp_prodMap {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] [MulOneClass P] (f : P →* M) (g : P →* N) (f' : M →* M') (g' : N →* N') :
                                                def AddMonoidHom.coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] (f : M →+ P) (g : N →+ P) :
                                                M × N →+ P

                                                Coproduct of two AddMonoidHoms with the same codomain: f.coprod g (p : M × N) = f p.1 + g p.2.

                                                Instances For
                                                  def MonoidHom.coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] (f : M →* P) (g : N →* P) :
                                                  M × N →* P

                                                  Coproduct of two MonoidHoms with the same codomain: f.coprod g (p : M × N) = f p.1 * g p.2.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem AddMonoidHom.coprod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] (f : M →+ P) (g : N →+ P) (p : M × N) :
                                                    ↑(AddMonoidHom.coprod f g) p = f p.fst + g p.snd
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.coprod_apply {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] (f : M →* P) (g : N →* P) (p : M × N) :
                                                    ↑(MonoidHom.coprod f g) p = f p.fst * g p.snd
                                                    theorem AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inl {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] (f : M →+ P) (g : N →+ P) :
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.coprod_comp_inl {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] (f : M →* P) (g : N →* P) :
                                                    theorem AddMonoidHom.coprod_comp_inr {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] (f : M →+ P) (g : N →+ P) :
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.coprod_comp_inr {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] (f : M →* P) (g : N →* P) :
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.coprod_unique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] (f : M × N →* P) :
                                                    theorem AddMonoidHom.comp_coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [AddCommMonoid P] {Q : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid Q] (h : P →+ Q) (f : M →+ P) (g : N →+ P) :
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.comp_coprod {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} {P : Type u_7} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [CommMonoid P] {Q : Type u_8} [CommMonoid Q] (h : P →* Q) (f : M →* P) (g : N →* P) :
                                                    theorem AddEquiv.prodComm.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} :
                                                    def AddEquiv.prodComm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                                    M × N ≃+ N × M

                                                    The equivalence between M × N and N × M given by swapping the components is additive.

                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem AddEquiv.prodComm.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                                      ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun) } (x + x_1) = Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun) } x + Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodComm M N).invFun (Equiv.prodComm M N).toFun) } x_1
                                                      theorem AddEquiv.prodComm.proof_2 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} :
                                                      def MulEquiv.prodComm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                                      M × N ≃* N × M

                                                      The equivalence between M × N and N × M given by swapping the components is multiplicative.

                                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                      Instances For
                                                        theorem AddEquiv.coe_prodComm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                                        AddEquiv.prodComm = Prod.swap
                                                        theorem MulEquiv.coe_prodComm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                                        MulEquiv.prodComm = Prod.swap
                                                        theorem AddEquiv.coe_prodComm_symm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] :
                                                        ↑(AddEquiv.symm AddEquiv.prodComm) = Prod.swap
                                                        theorem MulEquiv.coe_prodComm_symm {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] :
                                                        ↑(MulEquiv.symm MulEquiv.prodComm) = Prod.swap
                                                        def AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] :
                                                        (M × N) × M' × N' ≃+ (M × M') × N × N'

                                                        Four-way commutativity of prod. The name matches mul_mul_mul_comm

                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                        Instances For
                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm.proof_2 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) (M' : Type u_3) (N' : Type u_4) :
                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm.proof_3 (M : Type u_2) (N : Type u_1) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (M' : Type u_4) (N' : Type u_3) [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (_mnmn : (M × N) × M' × N') (_mnmn' : (M × N) × M' × N') :
                                                          Equiv.toFun { toFun := fun mnmn => ((mnmn.fst.fst, mnmn.snd.fst), mnmn.fst.snd, mnmn.snd.snd), invFun := fun mmnn => ((mmnn.fst.fst, mmnn.snd.fst), mmnn.fst.snd, mmnn.snd.snd), left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').invFun (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').invFun (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').toFun) } (_mnmn + _mnmn') = Equiv.toFun { toFun := fun mnmn => ((mnmn.fst.fst, mnmn.snd.fst), mnmn.fst.snd, mnmn.snd.snd), invFun := fun mmnn => ((mmnn.fst.fst, mmnn.snd.fst), mmnn.fst.snd, mmnn.snd.snd), left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').invFun (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').invFun (Equiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N').toFun) } (_mnmn + _mnmn')
                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) (N : Type u_2) (M' : Type u_3) (N' : Type u_4) :
                                                          theorem MulEquiv.prodProdProdComm_apply (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] (mnmn : (M × N) × M' × N') :
                                                          ↑(MulEquiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N') mnmn = ((mnmn.fst.fst, mnmn.snd.fst), mnmn.fst.snd, mnmn.snd.snd)
                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm_apply (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (mnmn : (M × N) × M' × N') :
                                                          ↑(AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm M N M' N') mnmn = ((mnmn.fst.fst, mnmn.snd.fst), mnmn.fst.snd, mnmn.snd.snd)
                                                          def MulEquiv.prodProdProdComm (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] :
                                                          (M × N) × M' × N' ≃* (M × M') × N × N'

                                                          Four-way commutativity of prod. The name matches mul_mul_mul_comm.

                                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                          Instances For
                                                            theorem AddEquiv.prodProdProdComm_toEquiv (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] :
                                                            theorem MulEquiv.prodProdProdComm_toEquiv (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] :
                                                            theorem MulEquiv.prodProdProdComm_symm (M : Type u_5) (N : Type u_6) [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (M' : Type u_8) (N' : Type u_9) [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] :
                                                            theorem AddEquiv.prodCongr.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_3} {N' : Type u_4} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M ≃+ M') (g : N ≃+ N') :
                                                            Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun
                                                            theorem AddEquiv.prodCongr.proof_2 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_3} {N' : Type u_4} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M ≃+ M') (g : N ≃+ N') :
                                                            Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun
                                                            theorem AddEquiv.prodCongr.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_4} {N' : Type u_3} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M ≃+ M') (g : N ≃+ N') :
                                                            ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun) } (x + x_1) = Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun) } x + Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).invFun (Equiv.prodCongr f.toEquiv g.toEquiv).toFun) } x_1
                                                            def AddEquiv.prodCongr {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [AddZeroClass M'] [AddZeroClass N'] (f : M ≃+ M') (g : N ≃+ N') :
                                                            M × N ≃+ M' × N'

                                                            Product of additive isomorphisms; the maps come from Equiv.prodCongr.

                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                            Instances For
                                                              def MulEquiv.prodCongr {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] {M' : Type u_8} {N' : Type u_9} [MulOneClass M'] [MulOneClass N'] (f : M ≃* M') (g : N ≃* N') :
                                                              M × N ≃* M' × N'

                                                              Product of multiplicative isomorphisms; the maps come from Equiv.prodCongr.

                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                              Instances For
                                                                def AddEquiv.uniqueProd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                N × M ≃+ M

                                                                Multiplying by the trivial monoid doesn't change the structure.

                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                Instances For
                                                                  theorem AddEquiv.uniqueProd.proof_3 {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                  ∀ (x x_1 : N × M), Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun) } (x + x_1) = Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).invFun (Equiv.uniqueProd M N).toFun) } (x + x_1)
                                                                  def MulEquiv.uniqueProd {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                  N × M ≃* M

                                                                  Multiplying by the trivial monoid doesn't change the structure.

                                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    theorem AddEquiv.prodUnique.proof_3 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                    ∀ (x x_1 : M × N), Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun) } (x + x_1) = Equiv.toFun { toFun := (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun, invFun := (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse (Equiv.prodUnique M N).invFun (Equiv.prodUnique M N).toFun) } (x + x_1)
                                                                    def AddEquiv.prodUnique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                    M × N ≃+ M

                                                                    Multiplying by the trivial monoid doesn't change the structure.

                                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      def MulEquiv.prodUnique {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] [Unique N] :
                                                                      M × N ≃* M

                                                                      Multiplying by the trivial monoid doesn't change the structure.

                                                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        theorem AddEquiv.prodAddUnits.proof_4 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] :
                                                                        ∀ (x : AddUnits M × AddUnits N), ↑( ( (AddMonoidHom.fst M N)) ( (AddMonoidHom.snd M N))) ((fun u => { val := (u.fst, u.snd), neg := (↑(-u.fst), ↑(-u.snd)), val_neg := (_ : (u.fst + ↑(-u.fst), u.snd + ↑(-u.snd)) = 0), neg_val := (_ : (↑(-u.fst) + u.fst, ↑(-u.snd) + u.snd) = 0) }) x) = x
                                                                        def AddEquiv.prodAddUnits {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] :

                                                                        The additive monoid equivalence between additive units of a product of two additive monoids, and the product of the additive units of each additive monoid.

                                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodAddUnits.proof_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (u : AddUnits M × AddUnits N) :
                                                                          (u.fst + ↑(-u.fst), u.snd + ↑(-u.snd)) = 0
                                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodAddUnits.proof_2 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (u : AddUnits M × AddUnits N) :
                                                                          (↑(-u.fst) + u.fst, ↑(-u.snd) + u.snd) = 0
                                                                          theorem AddEquiv.prodAddUnits.proof_3 {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (u : AddUnits (M × N)) :
                                                                          abbrev AddEquiv.prodAddUnits.match_1 {M : Type u_1} {N : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddMonoid N] (motive : AddUnits M × AddUnits NProp) :
                                                                          (x : AddUnits M × AddUnits N) → ((u₁ : AddUnits M) → (u₂ : AddUnits N) → motive (u₁, u₂)) → motive x
                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            def MulEquiv.prodUnits {M : Type u_5} {N : Type u_6} [Monoid M] [Monoid N] :
                                                                            (M × N)ˣ ≃* Mˣ × Nˣ

                                                                            The monoid equivalence between units of a product of two monoids, and the product of the units of each monoid.

                                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                            Instances For

                                                                              Canonical homomorphism of additive monoids from AddUnits α into α × αᵃᵒᵖ. Used mainly to define the natural topology of AddUnits α.

                                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                theorem AddUnits.embedProduct.proof_2 (α : Type u_1) [AddMonoid α] (x : AddUnits α) (y : AddUnits α) :
                                                                                (x + y, AddOpposite.op ↑(-(x + y))) = (x + y, AddOpposite.op ↑(-x) + AddOpposite.op ↑(-y))
                                                                                theorem AddUnits.embedProduct.proof_1 (α : Type u_1) [AddMonoid α] :
                                                                                (0, AddOpposite.op ↑(-0)) = 0
                                                                                theorem AddUnits.embedProduct_apply (α : Type u_8) [AddMonoid α] (x : AddUnits α) :
                                                                                ↑(AddUnits.embedProduct α) x = (x, AddOpposite.op ↑(-x))
                                                                                theorem Units.embedProduct_apply (α : Type u_8) [Monoid α] (x : αˣ) :
                                                                                def Units.embedProduct (α : Type u_8) [Monoid α] :

                                                                                Canonical homomorphism of monoids from αˣ into α × αᵐᵒᵖ. Used mainly to define the natural topology of αˣ.

                                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                Instances For

                                                                                  Multiplication and division as homomorphisms #

                                                                                  def addAddHom {α : Type u_8} [AddCommSemigroup α] :
                                                                                  AddHom (α × α) α

                                                                                  Addition as an additive homomorphism.

                                                                                  • addAddHom = { toFun := fun a => a.fst + a.snd, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : α × α), x.fst + x_1.fst + (x.snd + x_1.snd) = x.fst + x.snd + (x_1.fst + x_1.snd)) }
                                                                                  Instances For
                                                                                    theorem addAddHom.proof_1 {α : Type u_1} [AddCommSemigroup α] :
                                                                                    ∀ (x x_1 : α × α), x.fst + x_1.fst + (x.snd + x_1.snd) = x.fst + x.snd + (x_1.fst + x_1.snd)
                                                                                    theorem mulMulHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [CommSemigroup α] (a : α × α) :
                                                                                    mulMulHom a = a.fst * a.snd
                                                                                    theorem addAddHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [AddCommSemigroup α] (a : α × α) :
                                                                                    addAddHom a = a.fst + a.snd
                                                                                    def mulMulHom {α : Type u_8} [CommSemigroup α] :
                                                                                    α × α →ₙ* α

                                                                                    Multiplication as a multiplicative homomorphism.

                                                                                    • mulMulHom = { toFun := fun a => a.fst * a.snd, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : α × α), x.fst * x_1.fst * (x.snd * x_1.snd) = x.fst * x.snd * (x_1.fst * x_1.snd)) }
                                                                                    Instances For
                                                                                      theorem addAddMonoidHom.proof_1 {α : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                      0.fst + 0 = 0.fst
                                                                                      theorem addAddMonoidHom.proof_2 {α : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid α] (x : α × α) (y : α × α) :
                                                                                      AddHom.toFun addAddHom (x + y) = AddHom.toFun addAddHom x + AddHom.toFun addAddHom y
                                                                                      def addAddMonoidHom {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                      α × α →+ α

                                                                                      Addition as an additive monoid homomorphism.

                                                                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                      Instances For
                                                                                        theorem addAddMonoidHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [AddCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                        ∀ (a : α × α), addAddMonoidHom a = AddHom.toFun addAddHom a
                                                                                        theorem mulMonoidHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] :
                                                                                        ∀ (a : α × α), mulMonoidHom a = MulHom.toFun mulMulHom a
                                                                                        def mulMonoidHom {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoid α] :
                                                                                        α × α →* α

                                                                                        Multiplication as a monoid homomorphism.

                                                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                        Instances For
                                                                                          theorem mulMonoidWithZeroHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoidWithZero α] :
                                                                                          ∀ (a : α × α), mulMonoidWithZeroHom a = OneHom.toFun (mulMonoidHom) a
                                                                                          def mulMonoidWithZeroHom {α : Type u_8} [CommMonoidWithZero α] :
                                                                                          α × α →*₀ α

                                                                                          Multiplication as a multiplicative homomorphism with zero.

                                                                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                          Instances For
                                                                                            theorem subAddMonoidHom.proof_1 {α : Type u_1} [SubtractionCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                            0.fst - 0 = 0.fst
                                                                                            def subAddMonoidHom {α : Type u_8} [SubtractionCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                            α × α →+ α

                                                                                            Subtraction as an additive monoid homomorphism.

                                                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                            Instances For
                                                                                              theorem subAddMonoidHom.proof_2 {α : Type u_1} [SubtractionCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                              ∀ (x x_1 : α × α), x.fst + x_1.fst - (x.snd + x_1.snd) = x.fst - x.snd + (x_1.fst - x_1.snd)
                                                                                              theorem subAddMonoidHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [SubtractionCommMonoid α] (a : α × α) :
                                                                                              subAddMonoidHom a = a.fst - a.snd
                                                                                              theorem divMonoidHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [DivisionCommMonoid α] (a : α × α) :
                                                                                              divMonoidHom a = a.fst / a.snd
                                                                                              def divMonoidHom {α : Type u_8} [DivisionCommMonoid α] :
                                                                                              α × α →* α

                                                                                              Division as a monoid homomorphism.

                                                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                                theorem divMonoidWithZeroHom_apply {α : Type u_8} [CommGroupWithZero α] (a : α × α) :
                                                                                                divMonoidWithZeroHom a = a.fst / a.snd
                                                                                                def divMonoidWithZeroHom {α : Type u_8} [CommGroupWithZero α] :
                                                                                                α × α →*₀ α

                                                                                                Division as a multiplicative homomorphism with zero.

                                                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                                                Instances For