Fundamental domain of a group action #
A set s
is said to be a fundamental domain of an action of a group G
on a measurable space α
with respect to a measure μ
is a measurable set; -
the sets
g • s
over allg : G
cover almost all points of the whole space; -
the sets
g • s
, are pairwise a.e. disjoint, i.e.,μ (g₁ • s ∩ g₂ • s) = 0
wheneverg₁ ≠ g₂
; we require this forg₂ = 1
in the definition, then deduce it for any twog₁ ≠ g₂
In this file we prove that in case of a countable group G
and a measure preserving action, any two
fundamental domains have the same measure, and for a G
-invariant function, its integrals over any
two fundamental domains are equal to each other.
We also generate additive versions of all theorems in this file using the to_additive
Main declarations #
: Predicate for a set to be a fundamental domain of the action of a groupMeasureTheory.fundamentalFrontier
: Fundamental frontier of a set under the action of a group. Elements ofs
that belong to some other translate ofs
: Fundamental interior of a set under the action of a group. Elements ofs
that do not belong to any other translate ofs
- nullMeasurableSet : MeasureTheory.NullMeasurableSet s✝
- aedisjoint : Pairwise (MeasureTheory.AEDisjoint μ on fun g => g +ᵥ s✝)
A measurable set s
is a fundamental domain for an additive action of an additive group G
on a measurable space α
with respect to a measure α
if the sets g +ᵥ s
, g : G
, are pairwise
a.e. disjoint and cover the whole space.
Instances For
- nullMeasurableSet : MeasureTheory.NullMeasurableSet s✝
- aedisjoint : Pairwise (MeasureTheory.AEDisjoint μ on fun g => g • s✝)
A measurable set s
is a fundamental domain for an action of a group G
on a measurable
space α
with respect to a measure α
if the sets g • s
, g : G
, are pairwise a.e. disjoint and
cover the whole space.
Instances For
If for each x : α
, exactly one of g +ᵥ x
, g : G
, belongs to a measurable set
, then s
is a fundamental domain for the additive action of G
on α
If for each x : α
, exactly one of g • x
, g : G
, belongs to a measurable set s
, then s
is a fundamental domain for the action of G
on α
For s
to be a fundamental domain, it's enough to check
MeasureTheory.AEDisjoint (g +ᵥ s) s
for g ≠ 0
For s
to be a fundamental domain, it's enough to check
MeasureTheory.AEDisjoint (g • s) s
for g ≠ 1
If a measurable space has a finite measure μ
and a countable additive group G
quasi-measure-preservingly, then to show that a set s
is a fundamental domain, it is sufficient
to check that its translates g +ᵥ s
are (almost) disjoint and that the sum ∑' g, μ (g +ᵥ s)
sufficiently large.
If a measurable space has a finite measure μ
and a countable group G
quasi-measure-preservingly, then to show that a set s
is a fundamental domain, it is sufficient
to check that its translates g • s
are (almost) disjoint and that the sum ∑' g, μ (g • s)
sufficiently large.
- MeasureTheory.IsAddFundamentalDomain.iUnion_vadd_ae_eq.match_1 x motive x h_1 = Exists.casesOn x fun w h => h_1 w h
Instances For
- MeasureTheory.IsAddFundamentalDomain.preimage_of_equiv.match_1 x motive x h_1 = Exists.casesOn x fun w h => h_1 w h
Instances For
Given a measure space with an action of a
finite additive group G
, the measure of any G
-invariant set is determined by the measure of
its intersection with a fundamental domain for the action of G
Given a measure space with an action of a finite group G
, the measure of any G
-invariant set
is determined by the measure of its intersection with a fundamental domain for the action of G
If s
and t
are two fundamental domains of the same action, then their measures
are equal.
If s
and t
are two fundamental domains of the same action, then their measures are equal.
If the additive action of a countable group G
admits an invariant measure μ
a fundamental domain s
, then every null-measurable set t
such that the sets g +ᵥ t ∩ s
pairwise a.e.-disjoint has measure at most μ s
If the action of a countable group G
admits an invariant measure μ
with a fundamental domain
, then every null-measurable set t
such that the sets g • t ∩ s
are pairwise a.e.-disjoint
has measure at most μ s
If the additive action of a countable group G
admits an invariant measure μ
a fundamental domain s
, then every null-measurable set t
of measure strictly greater than
μ s
contains two points x y
such that g +ᵥ x = y
for some g ≠ 0
If the action of a countable group G
admits an invariant measure μ
with a fundamental domain
, then every null-measurable set t
of measure strictly greater than μ s
contains two
points x y
such that g • x = y
for some g ≠ 1
If f
is invariant under the action of a countable additive group G
, and μ
is a
-invariant measure with a fundamental domain s
, then the ess_sup
of f
restricted to s
is the same as that of f
on all of its domain.
If f
is invariant under the action of a countable group G
, and μ
is a G
measure with a fundamental domain s
, then the essSup
of f
restricted to s
is the same as
that of f
on all of its domain.
Interior/frontier of a fundamental domain #
The boundary of a fundamental domain, those points of the domain that also lie in a nontrivial translate.
- MeasureTheory.addFundamentalFrontier G s = s ∩ ⋃ (g : G) (_ : g ≠ 0), g +ᵥ s
Instances For
The boundary of a fundamental domain, those points of the domain that also lie in a nontrivial translate.
- MeasureTheory.fundamentalFrontier G s = s ∩ ⋃ (g : G) (_ : g ≠ 1), g • s
Instances For
The interior of a fundamental domain, those points of the domain not lying in any translate.
- MeasureTheory.addFundamentalInterior G s = s \ ⋃ (g : G) (_ : g ≠ 0), g +ᵥ s