

Box-additive functions defined by measures #

In this file we prove a few simple facts about rectangular boxes, partitions, and measures:

For the last statement, we both prove it as a proposition and define a bundled BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap function.

Tags #

rectangular box, measure

theorem BoxIntegral.Box.measure_Icc_lt_top {ι : Type u_1} (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) (μ : MeasureTheory.Measure (ι)) [MeasureTheory.IsLocallyFiniteMeasure μ] :
μ (BoxIntegral.Box.Icc I) <
theorem BoxIntegral.Box.measurableSet_Icc {ι : Type u_1} (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) [Countable ι] :
MeasurableSet (BoxIntegral.Box.Icc I)
theorem BoxIntegral.Box.measurableSet_Ioo {ι : Type u_1} (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) [Countable ι] :
MeasurableSet (BoxIntegral.Box.Ioo I)
theorem BoxIntegral.Box.coe_ae_eq_Icc {ι : Type u_1} (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) [Fintype ι] :
I =ᶠ[ MeasureTheory.volume] BoxIntegral.Box.Icc I
theorem BoxIntegral.Box.Ioo_ae_eq_Icc {ι : Type u_1} (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) [Fintype ι] :
BoxIntegral.Box.Ioo I =ᶠ[ MeasureTheory.volume] BoxIntegral.Box.Icc I

If μ is a locally finite measure on ℝⁿ, then fun J ↦ (μ J).toReal is a box-additive function.

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Instances For
    theorem BoxIntegral.Box.volume_apply {ι : Type u_1} [Fintype ι] (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) :
    ↑(MeasureTheory.Measure.toBoxAdditive MeasureTheory.volume) I = Finset.univ fun i => BoxIntegral.Box.upper I i - BoxIntegral.Box.lower I i
    theorem BoxIntegral.Box.volume_apply' {ι : Type u_1} [Fintype ι] (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) :
    ENNReal.toReal (MeasureTheory.volume I) = Finset.univ fun i => BoxIntegral.Box.upper I i - BoxIntegral.Box.lower I i

    Box-additive map sending each box I to the continuous linear endomorphism x ↦ (volume I).toReal • x.

    Instances For
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.volume_apply {ι : Type u_1} [Fintype ι] {E : Type u_2} [NormedAddCommGroup E] [NormedSpace E] (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι) (x : E) :
      ↑(BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.volume I) x = ( Finset.univ fun j => BoxIntegral.Box.upper I j - BoxIntegral.Box.lower I j) x