

Box additive functions #

We say that a function f : Box ι → M from boxes in ℝⁿ to a commutative additive monoid M is box additive on subboxes of I₀ : WithTop (Box ι) if for any box J, ↑J ≤ I₀, and a partition π of J, f J = ∑ J' in π.boxes, f J'. We use I₀ : WithTop (Box ι) instead of I₀ : Box ι to use the same definition for functions box additive on subboxes of a box and for functions box additive on all boxes.

Examples of box-additive functions include the measure of a box and the integral of a fixed integrable function over a box.

In this file we define box-additive functions and prove that a function such that f J = f (J ∩ {x | x i < y}) + f (J ∩ {x | y ≤ x i}) is box-additive.

Tags #

rectangular box, additive function

structure BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap (ι : Type u_3) (M : Type u_4) [AddCommMonoid M] (I : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)) :
Type (max u_3 u_4)

A function on Box ι is called box additive if for every box J and a partition π of J we have f J = ∑ Ji in π.boxes, f Ji. A function is called box additive on subboxes of I : Box ι if the same property holds for J ≤ I. We formalize these two notions in the same definition using I : WithBot (Box ι): the value I = ⊤ corresponds to functions box additive on the whole space.

Instances For
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    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.coe_mk {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} (f : BoxIntegral.Box ιM) (h : ∀ (J : BoxIntegral.Box ι), J I₀∀ (π : BoxIntegral.Prepartition J), BoxIntegral.Prepartition.IsPartition π(Finset.sum π.boxes fun Ji => f Ji) = f J) :
      { toFun := f, sum_partition_boxes' := h } = f
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.coe_injective {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} :
      Function.Injective fun f x => f x
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.coe_inj {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} {f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀} {g : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀} :
      f = g f = g
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.sum_partition_boxes {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} {I : BoxIntegral.Box ι} (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (hI : I I₀) {π : BoxIntegral.Prepartition I} (h : BoxIntegral.Prepartition.IsPartition π) :
      (Finset.sum π.boxes fun J => f J) = f I
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      • BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.instInhabitedBoxAdditiveMap = { default := 0 }
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.map_split_add {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} {I : BoxIntegral.Box ι} (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (hI : I I₀) (i : ι) (x : ) :
      theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.restrict_apply {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (I : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)) (hI : I I₀) (a : BoxIntegral.Box ι) :

      If f is box-additive on subboxes of I₀, then it is box-additive on subboxes of any I ≤ I₀.

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      Instances For
        def BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.ofMapSplitAdd {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] [Fintype ι] (f : BoxIntegral.Box ιM) (I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)) (hf : ∀ (I : BoxIntegral.Box ι), I I₀∀ {i : ι} {x : }, x Set.Ioo (BoxIntegral.Box.lower I i) (BoxIntegral.Box.upper I i)Option.elim' 0 f (BoxIntegral.Box.splitLower I i x) + Option.elim' 0 f (BoxIntegral.Box.splitUpper I i x) = f I) :

        If f : Box ι → M is box additive on partitions of the form split I i x, then it is box additive.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.map_apply {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoid M] [AddCommMonoid N] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (g : M →+ N) :
          def {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoid M] [AddCommMonoid N] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (g : M →+ N) :

          If g : M → N is an additive map and f is a box additive map, then g ∘ f is a box additive map.

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          Instances For
            theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.sum_boxes_congr {ι : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [AddCommMonoid M] {I₀ : WithTop (BoxIntegral.Box ι)} {I : BoxIntegral.Box ι} [Finite ι] (f : BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap ι M I₀) (hI : I I₀) {π₁ : BoxIntegral.Prepartition I} {π₂ : BoxIntegral.Prepartition I} (h : BoxIntegral.Prepartition.iUnion π₁ = BoxIntegral.Prepartition.iUnion π₂) :
            (Finset.sum π₁.boxes fun J => f J) = Finset.sum π₂.boxes fun J => f J

            If f is a box additive function on subboxes of I and π₁, π₂ are two prepartitions of I that cover the same part of I, then ∑ J in π₁.boxes, f J = ∑ J in π₂.boxes, f J.

            If f is a box-additive map, then so is the map sending I to the scalar multiplication by f I as a continuous linear map from E to itself.

            Instances For
              theorem BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.upperSubLower_apply {n : } {G : Type u} [AddCommGroup G] (I₀ : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin (n + 1))) (i : Fin (n + 1)) (f : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin n)G) (fb : ↑(Set.Icc (BoxIntegral.Box.lower I₀ i) (BoxIntegral.Box.upper I₀ i))BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap (Fin n) G ↑(BoxIntegral.Box.face I₀ i)) (hf : ∀ (x : ) (hx : x Set.Icc (BoxIntegral.Box.lower I₀ i) (BoxIntegral.Box.upper I₀ i)) (J : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin n)), f x J = ↑(fb { val := x, property := hx }) J) (J : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin (n + 1))) :
              def BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap.upperSubLower {n : } {G : Type u} [AddCommGroup G] (I₀ : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin (n + 1))) (i : Fin (n + 1)) (f : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin n)G) (fb : ↑(Set.Icc (BoxIntegral.Box.lower I₀ i) (BoxIntegral.Box.upper I₀ i))BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap (Fin n) G ↑(BoxIntegral.Box.face I₀ i)) (hf : ∀ (x : ) (hx : x Set.Icc (BoxIntegral.Box.lower I₀ i) (BoxIntegral.Box.upper I₀ i)) (J : BoxIntegral.Box (Fin n)), f x J = ↑(fb { val := x, property := hx }) J) :
              BoxIntegral.BoxAdditiveMap (Fin (n + 1)) G I₀

              Given a box I₀ in ℝⁿ⁺¹, f x : Box (Fin n) → G is a family of functions indexed by a real x and for x ∈ [I₀.lower i, I₀.upper i], f x is box-additive on subboxes of the i-th face of I₀, then fun J ↦ f (J.upper i) (J.face i) - f (J.lower i) (J.face i) is box-additive on subboxes of I₀.

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              Instances For