Homeomorphisms #
This file defines homeomorphisms between two topological spaces. They are bijections with both
directions continuous. We denote homeomorphisms with the notation ≃ₜ
Main definitions #
Homeomorph α β
: The type of homeomorphisms fromα
. This type can be denoted using the following notation:α ≃ₜ β
Main results #
- Pretty much every topological property is preserved under homeomorphisms.
: A continuous bijection that is an open map is a homeomorphism.
- toFun : α → β
- invFun : β → α
- left_inv : Function.LeftInverse s.invFun s.toFun
- right_inv : Function.RightInverse s.invFun s.toFun
- continuous_toFun : Continuous s.toFun
The forward map of a homeomorphism is a continuous function.
- continuous_invFun : Continuous s.invFun
The inverse map of a homeomorphism is a continuous function.
Homeomorphism between α
and β
, also called topological isomorphism
Instances For
Homeomorphism between α
and β
, also called topological isomorphism
- «term_≃ₜ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `term_≃ₜ_ 25 25 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ≃ₜ ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 26))
Instances For
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- Homeomorph.instCoeFunHomeomorphForAll = { coe := FunLike.coe }
Inverse of a homeomorphism.
- Homeomorph.symm h = Homeomorph.mk h.symm
Instances For
See Note [custom simps projection]
Instances For
Identity map as a homeomorphism.
Instances For
Composition of two homeomorphisms.
- Homeomorph.trans h₁ h₂ = Homeomorph.mk (h₁.trans h₂.toEquiv)
Instances For
Change the homeomorphism f
to make the inverse function definitionally equal to g
- Homeomorph.changeInv f g hg = Homeomorph.mk { toFun := ↑f, invFun := g, left_inv := (_ : Function.LeftInverse g ↑f), right_inv := (_ : Function.RightInverse g ↑f) }
Instances For
Homeomorphism given an embedding.
- Homeomorph.ofEmbedding f hf = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.ofInjective f (_ : Function.Injective f))
Instances For
If the codomain of a homeomorphism is a locally connected space, then the domain is also a locally connected space.
If a bijective map e : α ≃ β
is continuous and open, then it is a homeomorphism.
Instances For
If two sets are equal, then they are homeomorphic.
Instances For
Sum of two homeomorphisms.
- Homeomorph.sumCongr h₁ h₂ = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.sumCongr h₁.toEquiv h₂.toEquiv)
Instances For
Product of two homeomorphisms.
- Homeomorph.prodCongr h₁ h₂ = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.prodCongr h₁.toEquiv h₂.toEquiv)
Instances For
α × β
is homeomorphic to β × α
- Homeomorph.prodComm α β = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.prodComm α β)
Instances For
(α × β) × γ
is homeomorphic to α × (β × γ)
- Homeomorph.prodAssoc α β γ = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.prodAssoc α β γ)
Instances For
α × {*}
is homeomorphic to α
Instances For
{*} × α
is homeomorphic to α
Instances For
If both α
and β
have a unique element, then α ≃ₜ β
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Instances For
as a homeomorphism: this is the natural homeomorphism
Π i, β (e i) ≃ₜ Π j, β j
obtained from a bijection ι ≃ ι'
Instances For
as a homeomorphism: this is the natural homeomorphism
Π i, β₁ i ≃ₜ Π j, β₂ i
obtained from homeomorphisms β₁ i ≃ₜ β₂ i
for each i
- Homeomorph.piCongrRight F = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.piCongrRight fun i => (F i).toEquiv)
Instances For
as a homeomorphism: this is the natural homeomorphism
Π i₁, β₁ i ≃ₜ Π i₂, β₂ i₂
obtained from a bijection ι₁ ≃ ι₂
and homeomorphisms
β₁ i₁ ≃ₜ β₂ (e i₁)
for each i₁ : ι₁
Instances For
(α ⊕ β) × γ
is homeomorphic to α × γ ⊕ β × γ
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Instances For
α × (β ⊕ γ)
is homeomorphic to α × β ⊕ α × γ
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Instances For
(Σ i, σ i) × β
is homeomorphic to Σ i, (σ i × β)
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Instances For
If ι
has a unique element, then ι → α
is homeomorphic to α
- Homeomorph.funUnique ι α = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.funUnique ι α)
Instances For
Homeomorphism between dependent functions Π i : Fin 2, α i
and α 0 × α 1
Instances For
Homeomorphism between α² = Fin 2 → α
and α × α
- Homeomorph.finTwoArrow = let src := Homeomorph.piFinTwo fun x => α; Homeomorph.mk (finTwoArrowEquiv α)
Instances For
A subset of a topological space is homeomorphic to its image under a homeomorphism.
- Homeomorph.image e s = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.image e.toEquiv s)
Instances For
s ×ˢ t
is homeomorphic to s × t
- Homeomorph.Set.prod s t = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.Set.prod s t)
Instances For
The topological space Π i, β i
can be split as a product by separating the indices in ι
depending on whether they satisfy a predicate p or not.
Instances For
A product of topological spaces can be split as the binary product of one of the spaces and the product of all the remaining spaces.
- Homeomorph.piSplitAt i β = Homeomorph.mk (Equiv.piSplitAt i β)
Instances For
A product of copies of a topological space can be split as the binary product of one copy and the product of all the remaining copies.
- Homeomorph.funSplitAt β i = Homeomorph.piSplitAt i fun a => β
Instances For
An equiv between topological spaces respecting openness is a homeomorphism.
- Equiv.toHomeomorph e he = Homeomorph.mk e
Instances For
An inducing equiv between topological spaces is a homeomorphism.
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Instances For
Continuous equivalences from a compact space to a T2 space are homeomorphisms.
This is not true when T2 is weakened to T1
(see Continuous.homeoOfEquivCompactToT2.t1_counterexample
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