

Multiplicative action on the completion of a uniform space #

In this file we define typeclasses UniformContinuousConstVAdd and UniformContinuousConstSMul and prove that a multiplicative action on X with uniformly continuous (•) c can be extended to a multiplicative action on UniformSpace.Completion X.

In later files once the additive group structure is set up, we provide

TODO: Generalise the results here from the concrete Completion to any AbstractCompletion.

class UniformContinuousConstVAdd (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [VAdd M X] :

An additive action such that for all c, the map fun x ↦ c +ᵥ x is uniformly continuous.

    class UniformContinuousConstSMul (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [SMul M X] :

    A multiplicative action such that for all c, the map λ x, c • x is uniformly continuous.


      A DistribMulAction that is continuous on a uniform group is uniformly continuous. This can't be an instance due to it forming a loop with UniformContinuousConstSMul.to_continuousConstSMul

      theorem UniformContinuous.const_vadd {M : Type v} {X : Type x} {Y : Type y} [UniformSpace X] [UniformSpace Y] [VAdd M X] [UniformContinuousConstVAdd M X] {f : YX} (hf : UniformContinuous f) (c : M) :
      theorem UniformContinuous.const_smul {M : Type v} {X : Type x} {Y : Type y} [UniformSpace X] [UniformSpace Y] [SMul M X] [UniformContinuousConstSMul M X] {f : YX} (hf : UniformContinuous f) (c : M) :

      If an additive action is central, then its right action is uniform continuous when its left action is.


      If a scalar action is central, then its right action is uniform continuous when its left action is.

      noncomputable instance UniformSpace.Completion.instVAddCompletion (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [VAdd M X] :
      noncomputable instance UniformSpace.Completion.instSMulCompletion (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [SMul M X] :
      theorem UniformSpace.Completion.vadd_def (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [VAdd M X] (c : M) (x : UniformSpace.Completion X) :
      c +ᵥ x = (fun x => c +ᵥ x) x
      theorem UniformSpace.Completion.smul_def (M : Type v) (X : Type x) [UniformSpace X] [SMul M X] (c : M) (x : UniformSpace.Completion X) :
      c x = (fun x => c x) x
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      theorem UniformSpace.Completion.coe_vadd {M : Type v} {X : Type x} [UniformSpace X] [VAdd M X] [UniformContinuousConstVAdd M X] (c : M) (x : X) :
      X (c +ᵥ x) = c +ᵥ X x
      theorem UniformSpace.Completion.coe_smul {M : Type v} {X : Type x} [UniformSpace X] [SMul M X] [UniformContinuousConstSMul M X] (c : M) (x : X) :
      X (c x) = c X x
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.