

Zero divisors #

Main definitions #

def nonZeroDivisorsLeft (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] :

The collection of elements of a MonoidWithZero that are not left zero divisors form a Submonoid.

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Instances For
    theorem mem_nonZeroDivisorsLeft_iff (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] {x : M₀} :
    x nonZeroDivisorsLeft M₀ ∀ (y : M₀), y * x = 0y = 0
    def nonZeroDivisorsRight (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] :

    The collection of elements of a MonoidWithZero that are not right zero divisors form a Submonoid.

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    Instances For
      theorem mem_nonZeroDivisorsRight_iff (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] {x : M₀} :
      x nonZeroDivisorsRight M₀ ∀ (y : M₀), x * y = 0y = 0
      theorem coe_nonZeroDivisorsLeft_eq (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] [NoZeroDivisors M₀] [Nontrivial M₀] :
      ↑(nonZeroDivisorsLeft M₀) = {x | x 0}
      theorem coe_nonZeroDivisorsRight_eq (M₀ : Type u_1) [MonoidWithZero M₀] [NoZeroDivisors M₀] [Nontrivial M₀] :
      ↑(nonZeroDivisorsRight M₀) = {x | x 0}