

Structure of finite(ly generated) abelian groups #

theorem AddCommGroup.equiv_free_prod_directSum_zmod (G : Type u) [AddCommGroup G] [hG : AddGroup.FG G] :
n ι x p x e, Nonempty (G ≃+ (Fin n →₀ ) × ⨁ (i : ι), ZMod (p i ^ e i))

Structure theorem of finitely generated abelian groups : Any finitely generated abelian group is the product of a power of and a direct sum of some ZMod (p i ^ e i) for some prime powers p i ^ e i.

theorem AddCommGroup.equiv_directSum_zmod_of_fintype (G : Type u) [AddCommGroup G] [Finite G] :
ι x p x e, Nonempty (G ≃+ ⨁ (i : ι), ZMod (p i ^ e i))

Structure theorem of finite abelian groups : Any finite abelian group is a direct sum of some ZMod (p i ^ e i) for some prime powers p i ^ e i.