

Minimal polynomial of roots of unity #

We gather several results about minimal polynomial of root of unity.

Main results #

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.isIntegral {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) (hpos : 0 < n) :

μ is integral over .

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_dvd_x_pow_sub_one {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] :
minpoly μ Polynomial.X ^ n - 1

The minimal polynomial of a root of unity μ divides X ^ n - 1.

The reduction modulo p of the minimal polynomial of a root of unity μ is separable.

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.squarefree_minpoly_mod {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {p : } [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (hdiv : ¬p n) :

The reduction modulo p of the minimal polynomial of a root of unity μ is squarefree.

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_dvd_expand {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {p : } (hdiv : ¬p n) :
theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_dvd_pow_mod {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {p : } [hprime : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (hdiv : ¬p n) :
theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_dvd_mod_p {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {p : } [hprime : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (hdiv : ¬p n) :
theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_eq_pow {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {p : } [hprime : Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (hdiv : ¬p n) :
minpoly μ = minpoly (μ ^ p)

If p is a prime that does not divide n, then the minimal polynomials of a primitive n-th root of unity μ and of μ ^ p are the same.

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.minpoly_eq_pow_coprime {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {m : } (hcop : Nat.Coprime m n) :
minpoly μ = minpoly (μ ^ m)

If m : ℕ is coprime with n, then the minimal polynomials of a primitive n-th root of unity μ and of μ ^ m are the same.

theorem IsPrimitiveRoot.pow_isRoot_minpoly {n : } {K : Type u_1} [CommRing K] {μ : K} (h : IsPrimitiveRoot μ n) [IsDomain K] [CharZero K] {m : } (hcop : Nat.Coprime m n) :

If m : ℕ is coprime with n, then the minimal polynomial of a primitive n-th root of unity μ has μ ^ m as root.

primitiveRoots n K is a subset of the roots of the minimal polynomial of a primitive n-th root of unity μ.

The degree of the minimal polynomial of μ is at least totient n.