Regular measures #
A measure is OuterRegular
if the measure of any measurable set A
is the infimum of μ U
all open sets U
containing A
A measure is Regular
if it satisfies the following properties:
- it is finite on compact sets;
- it is outer regular;
- it is inner regular for open sets with respect to compacts sets: the measure of any open set
is the supremum ofμ K
over all compact setsK
contained inU
A measure is WeaklyRegular
if it satisfies the following properties:
- it is outer regular;
- it is inner regular for open sets with respect to closed sets: the measure of any open set
is the supremum ofμ F
over all closed setsF
contained inU
In a Hausdorff topological space, regularity implies weak regularity. These three conditions are
registered as typeclasses for a measure μ
, and this implication is recorded as an instance.
In order to avoid code duplication, we also define a measure μ
to be InnerRegular
for sets
satisfying a predicate q
with respect to sets satisfying a predicate p
if for any set
U ∈ {U | q U}
and a number r < μ U
there exists F ⊆ U
such that p F
and r < μ F
We prove that inner regularity for open sets with respect to compact sets or closed sets implies inner regularity for all measurable sets of finite measure (with respect to compact sets or closed sets respectively), and register some corollaries for (weakly) regular measures.
Note that a similar statement for measurable sets of infinite mass can fail. For a counterexample,
consider the group ℝ × ℝ
where the first factor has the discrete topology and the second one the
usual topology. It is a locally compact Hausdorff topological group, with Haar measure equal to
Lebesgue measure on each vertical fiber. The set ℝ × {0}
has infinite measure (by outer
regularity), but any compact set it contains has zero measure (as it is finite).
Several authors require as a definition of regularity that all measurable sets are inner regular. We have opted for the slightly weaker definition above as it holds for all Haar measures, it is enough for essentially all applications, and it is equivalent to the other definition when the measure is finite.
The interest of the notion of weak regularity is that it is enough for many applications, and it is automatically satisfied by any finite measure on a metric space.
Main definitions #
MeasureTheory.Measure.OuterRegular μ
: a typeclass registering that a measureμ
on a topological space is outer regular.MeasureTheory.Measure.Regular μ
: a typeclass registering that a measureμ
on a topological space is regular.MeasureTheory.Measure.WeaklyRegular μ
: a typeclass registering that a measureμ
on a topological space is weakly regular.MeasureTheory.Measure.InnerRegular μ p q
: a non-typeclass predicate saying that a measureμ
is inner regular for sets satisfyingq
with respect to sets satisfyingp
Main results #
Outer regular measures #
asserts that, whenμ
is outer regular, the measure of a set is the infimum of the measure of open sets containing it.Set.exists_isOpen_lt_of_lt
asserts that, whenμ
is outer regular, for every sets
andr > μ s
there exists an open supersetU ⊇ s
of measure less thanr
.- push forward of an outer regular measure is outer regular, and scalar multiplication of a regular measure by a finite number is outer regular.
Weakly regular measures #
asserts that the measure of an open set is the supremum of the measure of closed sets it contains.IsOpen.exists_lt_isClosed
: for an open setU
andr < μ U
, there exists a closedF ⊆ U
of measure greater thanr
asserts that the measure of a measurable set of finite measure is the supremum of the measure of closed sets it contains.MeasurableSet.exists_lt_isClosed_of_ne_top
: a measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a closed subset (stated asr < μ F
andμ s < μ F + ε
, respectively).MeasureTheory.Measure.WeaklyRegular.of_pseudoEMetricSpace_of_isFiniteMeasure
is an instance registering that a finite measure on a metric space is weakly regular (in fact, a pseudo emetric space is enough);MeasureTheory.Measure.WeaklyRegular.of_pseudoEMetric_secondCountable_of_locallyFinite
is an instance registering that a locally finite measure on a second countable metric space (or even a pseudo emetric space) is weakly regular.
Regular measures #
asserts that the measure of an open set is the supremum of the measure of compact sets it contains.IsOpen.exists_lt_isCompact
: for an open setU
andr < μ U
, there exists a compactK ⊆ U
of measure greater thanr
asserts that the measure of a measurable set of finite measure is the supremum of the measure of compact sets it contains.MeasurableSet.exists_lt_isCompact_of_ne_top
: a measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a compact subset (stated asr < μ K
andμ s < μ K + ε
, respectively).MeasureTheory.Measure.Regular.of_sigmaCompactSpace_of_isLocallyFiniteMeasure
is an instance registering that a locally finite measure on aσ
-compact metric space is regular (in fact, an emetric space is enough).
Implementation notes #
The main nontrivial statement is MeasureTheory.Measure.InnerRegular.weaklyRegular_of_finite
expressing that in a finite measure space, if every open set can be approximated from inside by
closed sets, then the measure is in fact weakly regular. To prove that we show that any measurable
set can be approximated from inside by closed sets and from outside by open sets. This statement is
proved by measurable induction, starting from open sets and checking that it is stable by taking
complements (this is the point of this condition, being symmetrical between inside and outside) and
countable disjoint unions.
Once this statement is proved, one deduces results for σ
-finite measures from this statement, by
restricting them to finite measure sets (and proving that this restriction is weakly regular, using
again the same statement).
References #
[Halmos, Measure Theory, §52][halmos1950measure]. Note that Halmos uses an unusual definition of
Borel sets (for him, they are elements of the σ
-algebra generated by compact sets!), so his
proofs or statements do not apply directly.
[Billingsley, Convergence of Probability Measures][billingsley1999]
We say that a measure μ
is inner regular with respect to predicates p q : Set α → Prop
if for every U
such that q U
and r < μ U
, there exists a subset K ⊆ U
satisfying p K
of measure greater than r
This definition is used to prove some facts about regular and weakly regular measures without repeating the proofs.
Instances For
A measure μ
is outer regular if μ(A) = inf {μ(U) | A ⊆ U open}
for a measurable set A
This definition implies the same equality for any (not necessarily measurable) set, see
- innerRegular : MeasureTheory.Measure.InnerRegular μ IsCompact IsOpen
A measure μ
is regular if
- it is finite on all compact sets;
- it is outer regular:
μ(A) = inf {μ(U) | A ⊆ U open}
measurable; - it is inner regular for open sets, using compact sets:
μ(U) = sup {μ(K) | K ⊆ U compact}
- innerRegular : MeasureTheory.Measure.InnerRegular μ IsClosed IsOpen
A measure μ
is weakly regular if
- it is outer regular:
μ(A) = inf {μ(U) | A ⊆ U open}
measurable; - it is inner regular for open sets, using closed sets:
μ(U) = sup {μ(F) | F ⊆ U closed}
A regular measure is weakly regular.
Given r
larger than the measure of a set A
, there exists an open superset of A
measure less than r
For an outer regular measure, the measure of a set is the infimum of the measures of open sets containing it.
If a measure μ
admits finite spanning open sets such that the restriction of μ
to each set
is outer regular, then the original measure is outer regular as well.
If a measure is inner regular (using closed or compact sets), then every measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a (closed or compact) subset.
In a finite measure space, assume that any open set can be approximated from inside by closed sets. Then the measure is weakly regular.
In a metric space (or even a pseudo emetric space), an open set can be approximated from inside by closed sets.
In a σ
-compact space, any closed set can be approximated by a compact subset.
If μ
is a regular measure, then any open set can be approximated by a compact subset.
The measure of an open set is the supremum of the measures of compact sets it contains.
If μ
is a regular measure, then any measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a
compact subset. See also MeasurableSet.exists_isCompact_lt_add
If μ
is a regular measure, then any measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a
compact subset. See also MeasurableSet.exists_lt_isCompact_of_ne_top
If μ
is a regular measure, then any measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a
compact subset. See also MeasurableSet.exists_isCompact_lt_add
If μ
is a regular measure, then any measurable set of finite measure can be approximated by a
compact subset. See also MeasurableSet.exists_isCompact_lt_add
Given a regular measure, any measurable set of finite mass can be approximated from inside by compact sets.
A regular measure in a σ-compact space is σ-finite.
If μ
is a weakly regular measure, then any open set can be approximated by a closed subset.
If μ
is a weakly regular measure, then any open set can be approximated by a closed subset.
If s
is a measurable set, a weakly regular measure μ
is finite on s
, and ε
is a positive
number, then there exist a closed set K ⊆ s
such that μ s < μ K + ε
Given a weakly regular measure, any measurable set of finite mass can be approximated from inside by closed sets.
Given a weakly regular measure, any measurable set of finite mass can be approximated from inside by closed sets.
The restriction of a weakly regular measure to a measurable set of finite measure is weakly regular.
Any finite measure on a metric space (or even a pseudo emetric space) is weakly regular.
Any locally finite measure on a second countable metric space (or even a pseudo emetric space) is weakly regular.
Any locally finite measure on a σ
-compact (e)metric space is regular.