

Volume forms and measures on inner product spaces #

A volume form induces a Lebesgue measure on general finite-dimensional real vector spaces. In this file, we discuss the specific situation of inner product spaces, where an orientation gives rise to a canonical volume form. We show that the measure coming from this volume form gives measure 1 to the parallelepiped spanned by any orthonormal basis, and that it coincides with the canonical volume from the MeasureSpace instance.

The volume form coming from an orientation in an inner product space gives measure 1 to the parallelepiped associated to any orthonormal basis. This is a rephrasing of abs_volumeForm_apply_of_orthonormal in terms of measures.

In an oriented inner product space, the measure coming from the canonical volume form associated to an orientation coincides with the volume.

theorem OrthonormalBasis.volume_parallelepiped {ι : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [Fintype ι] [NormedAddCommGroup F] [InnerProductSpace F] [FiniteDimensional F] [MeasurableSpace F] [BorelSpace F] (b : OrthonormalBasis ι F) :
MeasureTheory.volume (parallelepiped b) = 1

The volume measure in a finite-dimensional inner product space gives measure 1 to the parallelepiped spanned by any orthonormal basis.

The Haar measure defined by any orthonormal basis of a finite-dimensional inner product space is equal to its volume measure.

The measure equivalence between EuclideanSpace ℝ ι and ι → ℝ is volume preserving.

A copy of EuclideanSpace.volume_preserving_measurableEquiv for the canonical spelling of the equivalence.

The reverse direction of PiLp.volume_preserving_measurableEquiv, since MeasurePreserving.symm only works for MeasurableEquivs.