

Lemmas about bitwise operations on natural numbers. #

Possibly only of archaeological significance.

boddDiv2 n returns a 2-tuple of type (Bool,Nat) where the Bool value indicates whether n is odd or not and the Nat value returns ⌊n/2⌋

Instances For
    def Nat.div2 (n : ) :

    div2 n = ⌊n/2⌋ the greatest integer smaller than n/2

    Instances For
      def Nat.bodd (n : ) :

      bodd n returns true if n is odd

      Instances For
        theorem Nat.bodd_add (m : ) (n : ) :
        theorem Nat.bodd_mul (m : ) (n : ) :
        theorem Nat.mod_two_of_bodd (n : ) :
        n % 2 = bif Nat.bodd n then 1 else 0
        theorem Nat.div2_zero :
        theorem Nat.div2_succ (n : ) :
        theorem Nat.bodd_add_div2 (n : ) :
        (bif Nat.bodd n then 1 else 0) + 2 * Nat.div2 n = n
        theorem Nat.div2_val (n : ) :
        Nat.div2 n = n / 2
        def Nat.bit (b : Bool) :

        bit b appends the digit b to the binary representation of its natural number input.

        Instances For
          theorem Nat.bit0_val (n : ) :
          bit0 n = 2 * n
          theorem Nat.bit1_val (n : ) :
          bit1 n = 2 * n + 1
          theorem Nat.bit_val (b : Bool) (n : ) :
          Nat.bit b n = 2 * n + bif b then 1 else 0
          def Nat.bitCasesOn {C : Sort u} (n : ) (h : (b : Bool) → (n : ) → C (Nat.bit b n)) :
          C n

          For a predicate C : Nat → Sort*, if instances can be constructed for natural numbers of the form bit b n, they can be constructed for any given natural number.

          Instances For
            def Nat.shiftLeft' (b : Bool) (m : ) :

            shiftLeft' b m n performs a left shift of m n times and adds the bit b as the least significant bit each time. Returns the corresponding natural number

            Instances For
              theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_false {m : } (n : ) :
              theorem Nat.shiftLeft_eq' (m : ) (n : ) :

              Std4 takes the unprimed name for Nat.shiftLeft_eq m n : m <<< n = m * 2 ^ n.

              theorem Nat.shiftRight_eq (m : ) (n : ) :
              theorem Nat.shiftLeft_zero (m : ) :
              m <<< 0 = m
              theorem Nat.shiftLeft_succ (m : ) (n : ) :
              m <<< (n + 1) = 2 * m <<< n
              theorem Nat.shiftRight_zero {n : } :
              n >>> 0 = n
              theorem Nat.shiftRight_succ (m : ) (n : ) :
              m >>> (n + 1) = m >>> n / 2
              theorem Nat.zero_shiftRight (n : ) :
              0 >>> n = 0
              def Nat.testBit (m : ) (n : ) :

              testBit m n returns whether the (n+1)ˢᵗ least significant bit is 1 or 0

              Instances For
                theorem Nat.binaryRec_decreasing {n : } (h : n 0) :
                def Nat.binaryRec {C : Sort u} (z : C 0) (f : (b : Bool) → (n : ) → C nC (Nat.bit b n)) (n : ) :
                C n

                A recursion principle for bit representations of natural numbers. For a predicate C : Nat → Sort*, if instances can be constructed for natural numbers of the form bit b n, they can be constructed for all natural numbers.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  def Nat.size :

                  size n : Returns the size of a natural number in bits i.e. the length of its binary representation

                  Instances For

                    bits n returns a list of Bools which correspond to the binary representation of n

                    Instances For
                      def Nat.bitwise' (f : BoolBoolBool) :

                      Nat.bitwise' (different from Nat.bitwise in Lean 4 core) applies the function f to pairs of bits in the same position in the binary representations of its inputs.

                      Instances For
                        def Nat.lor' :

                        lor' takes two natural numbers and returns their bitwise or

                        Instances For
                          def' :

                          land' takes two naturals numbers and returns their and

                          Instances For
                            def Nat.ldiff' :

                            ldiff' a b performs bitwise set difference. For each corresponding pair of bits taken as booleans, say aᵢ and bᵢ, it applies the boolean operation aᵢ ∧ bᵢ to obtain the iᵗʰ bit of the result.

                            Instances For
                              def Nat.lxor' :

                              lxor' computes the bitwise xor of two natural numbers

                              Instances For
                                theorem Nat.binaryRec_zero {C : Sort u} (z : C 0) (f : (b : Bool) → (n : ) → C nC (Nat.bit b n)) :

                                bitwise ops

                                theorem Nat.bodd_bit (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                theorem Nat.div2_bit (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_add (b : Bool) (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                theorem Nat.shiftLeft_add (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                m <<< (n + k) = m <<< n <<< k
                                theorem Nat.shiftRight_add (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                m >>> (n + k) = m >>> n >>> k
                                theorem Nat.shiftLeft'_sub (b : Bool) (m : ) {n : } {k : } :
                                k nNat.shiftLeft' b m (n - k) = Nat.shiftLeft' b m n >>> k
                                theorem Nat.shiftLeft_sub (m : ) {n : } {k : } :
                                k nm <<< (n - k) = m <<< n >>> k
                                theorem Nat.testBit_zero (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                theorem Nat.testBit_succ (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                theorem Nat.binaryRec_eq {C : Sort u} {z : C 0} {f : (b : Bool) → (n : ) → C nC (Nat.bit b n)} (h : f false 0 z = z) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.binaryRec z f (Nat.bit b n) = f b n (Nat.binaryRec z f n)
                                theorem Nat.bitwise'_bit_aux {f : BoolBoolBool} (h : f false false = false) :
                                (Nat.binaryRec (bif f true false then Nat.bit false 0 else 0) fun b n x => Nat.bit (f false b) (bif f false true then n else 0)) = fun n => bif f false true then n else 0
                                theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero_left (f : BoolBoolBool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.bitwise' f 0 n = bif f false true then n else 0
                                theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero_right (f : BoolBoolBool) (h : f false false = false) (m : ) :
                                Nat.bitwise' f m 0 = bif f true false then m else 0
                                theorem Nat.bitwise'_zero (f : BoolBoolBool) :
                                Nat.bitwise' f 0 0 = 0
                                theorem Nat.bitwise'_bit {f : BoolBoolBool} (h : f false false = false) (a : Bool) (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.bitwise' f (Nat.bit a m) (Nat.bit b n) = Nat.bit (f a b) (Nat.bitwise' f m n)
                                theorem Nat.lor'_bit (a : Bool) (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.lor' (Nat.bit a m) (Nat.bit b n) = Nat.bit (a || b) (Nat.lor' m n)
                                theorem'_bit (a : Bool) (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                      ' (Nat.bit a m) (Nat.bit b n) = Nat.bit (a && b) (' m n)
                                theorem Nat.ldiff'_bit (a : Bool) (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.ldiff' (Nat.bit a m) (Nat.bit b n) = Nat.bit (a && !b) (Nat.ldiff' m n)
                                theorem Nat.lxor'_bit (a : Bool) (m : ) (b : Bool) (n : ) :
                                Nat.lxor' (Nat.bit a m) (Nat.bit b n) = Nat.bit (xor a b) (Nat.lxor' m n)
                                theorem Nat.testBit_bitwise' {f : BoolBoolBool} (h : f false false = false) (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                theorem Nat.testBit_lor' (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                theorem Nat.testBit_land' (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                theorem Nat.testBit_ldiff' (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :
                                theorem Nat.testBit_lxor' (m : ) (n : ) (k : ) :