

Fixing submonoid, fixing subgroup of an action #

In the presence of an action of a monoid or a group, this file defines the fixing submonoid or the fixing subgroup, and relates it to the set of fixed points via a Galois connection.

Main definitions #


def fixingAddSubmonoid (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) :

The additive submonoid fixing a set under an AddAction.

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Instances For
    theorem fixingAddSubmonoid.proof_2 (M : Type u_2) {α : Type u_1} [AddMonoid M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) :
    ∀ (x : s), 0 +ᵥ x = x
    theorem fixingAddSubmonoid.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [AddMonoid M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) {x : M} {y : M} (hx : x {ϕ | ∀ (x : s), ϕ +ᵥ x = x}) (hy : y {ϕ | ∀ (x : s), ϕ +ᵥ x = x}) (z : s) :
    x + y +ᵥ z = z
    def fixingSubmonoid (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] (s : Set α) :

    The submonoid fixing a set under a MulAction.

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    Instances For
      theorem mem_fixingSubmonoid_iff (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] {s : Set α} {m : M} :
      m fixingSubmonoid M s ∀ (y : α), y sm y = y
      theorem fixingSubmonoid_fixedPoints_gc (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] :
      GaloisConnection (OrderDual.toDual fixingSubmonoid M) ((fun P => MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α) OrderDual.ofDual)

      The Galois connection between fixing submonoids and fixed points of a monoid action

      theorem fixingSubmonoid_antitone (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] :
      theorem fixedPoints_antitone (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] :
      Antitone fun P => MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α
      theorem fixingSubmonoid_union (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] {s : Set α} {t : Set α} :

      Fixing submonoid of union is intersection

      theorem fixingSubmonoid_iUnion (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] {ι : Sort u_3} {s : ιSet α} :
      fixingSubmonoid M (⋃ (i : ι), s i) = ⨅ (i : ι), fixingSubmonoid M (s i)

      Fixing submonoid of iUnion is intersection

      theorem fixedPoints_submonoid_sup (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] {P : Submonoid M} {Q : Submonoid M} :
      MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P Q } α = MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x Q } α

      Fixed points of sup of submonoids is intersection

      theorem fixedPoints_submonoid_iSup (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Monoid M] [MulAction M α] {ι : Sort u_3} {P : ιSubmonoid M} :
      MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x iSup P } α = ⋂ (i : ι), MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P i } α

      Fixed points of iSup of submonoids is intersection

      theorem fixingAddSubgroup.proof_2 (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [AddGroup M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) :
      ∀ {x : M}, x { toAddSubsemigroup := (fixingAddSubmonoid M s).toAddSubsemigroup, zero_mem' := (_ : 0 (fixingAddSubmonoid M s).toAddSubsemigroup.carrier) }.toAddSubsemigroup.carrier∀ (z : s), -x +ᵥ z = z
      def fixingAddSubgroup (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [AddGroup M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) :

      The additive subgroup fixing a set under an AddAction.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem fixingAddSubgroup.proof_1 (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [AddGroup M] [AddAction M α] (s : Set α) :
        0 (fixingAddSubmonoid M s).toAddSubsemigroup.carrier
        def fixingSubgroup (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [Group M] [MulAction M α] (s : Set α) :

        The subgroup fixing a set under a MulAction.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem mem_fixingSubgroup_iff (M : Type u_1) {α : Type u_2} [Group M] [MulAction M α] {s : Set α} {m : M} :
          m fixingSubgroup M s ∀ (y : α), y sm y = y
          theorem fixingSubgroup_fixedPoints_gc (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] :
          GaloisConnection (OrderDual.toDual fixingSubgroup M) ((fun P => MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α) OrderDual.ofDual)

          The Galois connection between fixing subgroups and fixed points of a group action

          theorem fixingSubgroup_antitone (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] :
          theorem fixedPoints_subgroup_antitone (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] :
          Antitone fun P => MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α
          theorem fixingSubgroup_union (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] {s : Set α} {t : Set α} :

          Fixing subgroup of union is intersection

          theorem fixingSubgroup_iUnion (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] {ι : Sort u_3} {s : ιSet α} :
          fixingSubgroup M (⋃ (i : ι), s i) = ⨅ (i : ι), fixingSubgroup M (s i)

          Fixing subgroup of iUnion is intersection

          theorem fixedPoints_subgroup_sup (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] {P : Subgroup M} {Q : Subgroup M} :
          MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P Q } α = MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P } α MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x Q } α

          Fixed points of sup of subgroups is intersection

          theorem fixedPoints_subgroup_iSup (M : Type u_1) (α : Type u_2) [Group M] [MulAction M α] {ι : Sort u_3} {P : ιSubgroup M} :
          MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x iSup P } α = ⋂ (i : ι), MulAction.fixedPoints { x // x P i } α

          Fixed points of iSup of subgroups is intersection