

Pi instances for groups and monoids #

This file defines instances for group, monoid, semigroup and related structures on Pi types.

theorem Set.preimage_zero {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Zero β] (s : Set β) [Decidable (0 s)] :
0 ⁻¹' s = if 0 s then Set.univ else
theorem Set.preimage_one {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [One β] (s : Set β) [Decidable (1 s)] :
1 ⁻¹' s = if 1 s then Set.univ else
instance Pi.addSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddSemigroup (f i)] :
AddSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.addSemigroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddSemigroup (f i)] :
∀ (a b c : (i : I) → f i), a + b + c = a + (b + c)
instance Pi.semigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Semigroup (f i)] :
Semigroup ((i : I) → f i)
instance Pi.addCommSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddCommSemigroup (f i)] :
AddCommSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addCommSemigroup = let src := Pi.addSemigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a)
theorem Pi.addCommSemigroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommSemigroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b + c = a + (b + c)
theorem Pi.addCommSemigroup.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommSemigroup (f i)] :
∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a
instance Pi.commSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CommSemigroup (f i)] :
CommSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.commSemigroup = let src := Pi.semigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a * b = b * a)
theorem Pi.addZeroClass.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] :
∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a + 0 = a
instance Pi.addZeroClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] :
AddZeroClass ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addZeroClass = (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 + a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a + 0 = a)
theorem Pi.addZeroClass.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] :
∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 + a = a
instance Pi.mulOneClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] :
MulOneClass ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.mulOneClass = (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 1 * a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 1 = a)
instance Pi.negZeroClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → NegZeroClass (f i)] :
NegZeroClass ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.negZeroClass.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → NegZeroClass (f i)] :
-0 = 0
instance Pi.invOneClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → InvOneClass (f i)] :
InvOneClass ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.addMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b + c = a + (b + c)
theorem Pi.addMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (x : (i : I) → f i), (fun n x i => n x i) 0 x = 0
theorem Pi.addMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
theorem Pi.addMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i), (fun n x i => n x i) (n + 1) x = x + (fun n x i => n x i) n x
instance Pi.addMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddMonoid (f i)] :
AddMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addMonoid = let src := Pi.addSemigroup; let src_1 := Pi.addZeroClass; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 + a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a + 0 = a) fun n x i => n x i
instance Pi.monoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Monoid (f i)] :
Monoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.monoid = let src := Pi.semigroup; let src_1 := Pi.mulOneClass; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 1 * a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 1 = a) fun n x i => x i ^ n
instance Pi.addMonoidWithOne {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddMonoidWithOne (f i)] :
AddMonoidWithOne ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addMonoidWithOne = let src := Pi.addMonoid;
theorem Pi.addCommMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = b + a
theorem Pi.addCommMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addCommMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addCommMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addCommMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
instance Pi.addCommMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (f i)] :
AddCommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addCommMonoid = let src := Pi.addMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.addCommSemigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a)
instance Pi.commMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CommMonoid (f i)] :
CommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.commMonoid = let src := Pi.monoid; let src_1 := Pi.commSemigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a * b = b * a)
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_7 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i), (fun z x i => z x i) (Int.ofNat (Nat.succ n)) a = a + (fun z x i => z x i) (Int.ofNat n) a
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_8 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i), (fun z x i => z x i) (Int.negSucc n) a = -(fun z x i => z x i) (↑(Nat.succ n)) a
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
instance Pi.subNegMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] :
SubNegMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_6 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), (fun z x i => z x i) 0 a = 0
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.subNegMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a - b = a + -b
instance Pi.divInvMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → DivInvMonoid (f i)] :
DivInvMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
instance Pi.subNegZeroMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] :
SubNegZeroMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.subNegZeroMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subNegZeroMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subNegZeroMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a - b = a + -b
theorem Pi.subNegZeroMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] :
-0 = 0
theorem Pi.subNegZeroMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubNegZeroMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
instance Pi.divInvOneMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → DivInvOneMonoid (f i)] :
DivInvOneMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
instance Pi.involutiveNeg {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → InvolutiveNeg (f i)] :
InvolutiveNeg ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.involutiveNeg.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → InvolutiveNeg (f i)] :
∀ (x : (i : I) → f i), - -x = x
instance Pi.involutiveInv {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → InvolutiveInv (f i)] :
InvolutiveInv ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a - b = a + -b
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_7 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = 0-a = b
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_6 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] :
∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), -(a + b) = -b + -a
theorem Pi.subtractionMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
- -x = x
instance Pi.subtractionMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → SubtractionMonoid (f i)] :
SubtractionMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
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instance Pi.divisionMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → DivisionMonoid (f i)] :
DivisionMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
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theorem Pi.subtractionCommMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → SubtractionCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = b + a
theorem Pi.subtractionCommMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
-(a + b) = -b + -a
theorem Pi.subtractionCommMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = 0-a = b
theorem Pi.subtractionCommMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → SubtractionCommMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
- -x = x
instance Pi.subtractionCommMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → SubtractionCommMonoid (f i)] :
SubtractionCommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.subtractionCommMonoid = let src := Pi.subtractionMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.addCommSemigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a)
instance Pi.instDivisionCommMonoidForAll {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → DivisionCommMonoid (f i)] :
DivisionCommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.instDivisionCommMonoidForAll = let src := Pi.divisionMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.commSemigroup; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a * b = b * a)
theorem Pi.addGroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a - b = a + -b
theorem Pi.addGroup.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] :
∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), -a + a = 0
instance Pi.addGroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] :
AddGroup ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addGroup = let src := Pi.subNegMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), -a + a = 0)
theorem Pi.addGroup.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addGroup.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addGroup.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (n : ) (a : (i : I) → f i) :
instance {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Group (f i)] :
Group ((i : I) → f i)
  • = let src := Pi.divInvMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a⁻¹ * a = 1)
instance Pi.addGroupWithOne {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddGroupWithOne (f i)] :
AddGroupWithOne ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addGroupWithOne = let src := Pi.addGroup; let src_1 := Pi.addMonoidWithOne; SubNegMonoid.zsmul (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), -a + a = 0)
instance Pi.addCommGroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddCommGroup (f i)] :
AddCommGroup ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addCommGroup = let src := Pi.addGroup; let src_1 := Pi.addCommMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a)
theorem Pi.addCommGroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCommGroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
-a + a = 0
theorem Pi.addCommGroup.proof_2 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → AddCommGroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = b + a
instance Pi.commGroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CommGroup (f i)] :
CommGroup ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.commGroup = let src :=; let src_1 := Pi.commMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a * b = b * a)
instance Pi.addLeftCancelSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
AddLeftCancelSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelSemigroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelSemigroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b + c = a + (b + c)
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelSemigroup.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
∀ (a b c : (i : I) → f i), a + b = a + cb = c
instance Pi.leftCancelSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → LeftCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
LeftCancelSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
instance Pi.addRightCancelSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
AddRightCancelSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.addRightCancelSemigroup.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelSemigroup (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b + c = a + (b + c)
theorem Pi.addRightCancelSemigroup.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
∀ (a b c : (i : I) → f i), a + b = c + ba = c
instance Pi.rightCancelSemigroup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → RightCancelSemigroup (f i)] :
RightCancelSemigroup ((i : I) → f i)
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = a + cb = c
theorem Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
instance Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddLeftCancelMonoid (f i)] :
AddLeftCancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
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instance Pi.leftCancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → LeftCancelMonoid (f i)] :
LeftCancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.leftCancelMonoid = let src := Pi.leftCancelSemigroup; let src_1 := Pi.monoid; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 1 * a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 1 = a) Monoid.npow
instance Pi.addRightCancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] :
AddRightCancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
theorem Pi.addRightCancelMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addRightCancelMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addRightCancelMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
theorem Pi.addRightCancelMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addRightCancelMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddRightCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = c + ba = c
instance Pi.rightCancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → RightCancelMonoid (f i)] :
RightCancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.rightCancelMonoid = let src := Pi.rightCancelSemigroup; let src_1 := Pi.monoid; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 1 * a = a) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 1 = a) Monoid.npow
theorem Pi.addCancelMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addCancelMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
instance Pi.addCancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] :
AddCancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addCancelMonoid = let src := Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.addRightCancelMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b c : (i : I) → f i), a + b = c + ba = c)
theorem Pi.addCancelMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) (c : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = c + ba = c
theorem Pi.addCancelMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addCancelMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
instance Pi.cancelMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CancelMonoid (f i)] :
CancelMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.cancelMonoid = let src := Pi.leftCancelMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.rightCancelMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b c : (i : I) → f i), a * b = c * ba = c)
theorem Pi.addCancelCommMonoid.proof_4 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] (n : ) (x : (i : I) → f i) :
theorem Pi.addCancelCommMonoid.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
a + 0 = a
instance Pi.addCancelCommMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] :
AddCancelCommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.addCancelCommMonoid = let src := Pi.addLeftCancelMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.addCommMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a + b = b + a)
theorem Pi.addCancelCommMonoid.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) :
0 + a = a
theorem Pi.addCancelCommMonoid.proof_5 {I : Type u_2} {f : IType u_1} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] (a : (i : I) → f i) (b : (i : I) → f i) :
a + b = b + a
theorem Pi.addCancelCommMonoid.proof_3 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} [(i : I) → AddCancelCommMonoid (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) :
instance Pi.cancelCommMonoid {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CancelCommMonoid (f i)] :
CancelCommMonoid ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.cancelCommMonoid = let src := Pi.leftCancelMonoid; let src_1 := Pi.commMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a b : (i : I) → f i), a * b = b * a)
instance Pi.mulZeroClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] :
MulZeroClass ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.mulZeroClass = (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 * a = 0) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 0 = 0)
instance Pi.mulZeroOneClass {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → MulZeroOneClass (f i)] :
MulZeroOneClass ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.mulZeroOneClass = let src := Pi.mulZeroClass; let src_1 := Pi.mulOneClass; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 * a = 0) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 0 = 0)
instance Pi.monoidWithZero {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → MonoidWithZero (f i)] :
MonoidWithZero ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.monoidWithZero = let src := Pi.monoid; let src_1 := Pi.mulZeroClass; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 * a = 0) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 0 = 0)
instance Pi.commMonoidWithZero {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → CommMonoidWithZero (f i)] :
CommMonoidWithZero ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.commMonoidWithZero = let src := Pi.monoidWithZero; let src_1 := Pi.commMonoid; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 * a = 0) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 0 = 0)
instance Pi.semigroupWithZero {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → SemigroupWithZero (f i)] :
SemigroupWithZero ((i : I) → f i)
  • Pi.semigroupWithZero = let src := Pi.semigroup; let src_1 := Pi.mulZeroClass; (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), 0 * a = 0) (_ : ∀ (a : (i : I) → f i), a * 0 = 0)
theorem AddHom.coe_add {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_4} :
∀ {x : Add M} {x_1 : AddCommSemigroup N} (f g : AddHom M N), f + g = fun x_2 => f x_2 + g x_2
theorem MulHom.coe_mul {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_4} :
∀ {x : Mul M} {x_1 : CommSemigroup N} (f g : M →ₙ* N), f * g = fun x_2 => f x_2 * g x_2
def Pi.addHom {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → Add (f i)] [Add γ] (g : (i : I) → AddHom γ (f i)) :
AddHom γ ((i : I) → f i)

A family of AddHom's f a : γ → β a defines an AddHom Pi.addHom f : γ → Π a, β a given by Pi.addHom f x b = f b x.

  • Pi.addHom g = { toFun := fun x i => ↑(g i) x, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x y : γ), (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) (x + y) = (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) x + (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) y) }
Instances For
    theorem Pi.addHom.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [(i : I) → Add (f i)] [Add γ] (g : (i : I) → AddHom γ (f i)) (x : γ) (y : γ) :
    (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) (x + y) = (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) x + (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) y
    theorem Pi.addHom_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → Add (f i)] [Add γ] (g : (i : I) → AddHom γ (f i)) (x : γ) (i : I) :
    ↑(Pi.addHom g) x i = ↑(g i) x
    theorem Pi.mulHom_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] [Mul γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →ₙ* f i) (x : γ) (i : I) :
    ↑(Pi.mulHom g) x i = ↑(g i) x
    def Pi.mulHom {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] [Mul γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →ₙ* f i) :
    γ →ₙ* (i : I) → f i

    A family of MulHom's f a : γ →ₙ* β a defines a MulHom Pi.mulHom f : γ →ₙ* Π a, β a given by Pi.mulHom f x b = f b x.

    • Pi.mulHom g = { toFun := fun x i => ↑(g i) x, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x y : γ), (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) (x * y) = (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) x * (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) y) }
    Instances For
      abbrev Pi.addHom_injective.match_1 {I : Type u_1} (motive : Nonempty IProp) :
      (x : Nonempty I) → ((i : I) → motive (_ : Nonempty I)) → motive x
      Instances For
        theorem Pi.addHom_injective {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [Nonempty I] [(i : I) → Add (f i)] [Add γ] (g : (i : I) → AddHom γ (f i)) (hg : ∀ (i : I), Function.Injective ↑(g i)) :
        theorem Pi.mulHom_injective {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [Nonempty I] [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] [Mul γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →ₙ* f i) (hg : ∀ (i : I), Function.Injective ↑(g i)) :
        def Pi.addMonoidHom {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] [AddZeroClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →+ f i) :
        γ →+ (i : I) → f i

        A family of additive monoid homomorphisms f a : γ →+ β a defines a monoid homomorphism Pi.addMonoidHom f : γ →+ Π a, β a given by Pi.addMonoidHom f x b = f b x.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem Pi.addMonoidHom.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] [AddZeroClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →+ f i) (x : γ) (y : γ) :
          AddHom.toFun (Pi.addHom fun i => ↑(g i)) (x + y) = AddHom.toFun (Pi.addHom fun i => ↑(g i)) x + AddHom.toFun (Pi.addHom fun i => ↑(g i)) y
          theorem Pi.addMonoidHom.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} {f : IType u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] [AddZeroClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →+ f i) :
          (fun x i => ↑(g i) x) 0 = 0
          theorem Pi.monoidHom_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] [MulOneClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →* f i) (x : γ) (i : I) :
          ↑(Pi.monoidHom g) x i = ↑(g i) x
          theorem Pi.addMonoidHom_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] [AddZeroClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →+ f i) (x : γ) (i : I) :
          ↑(Pi.addMonoidHom g) x i = ↑(g i) x
          def Pi.monoidHom {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] [MulOneClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →* f i) :
          γ →* (i : I) → f i

          A family of monoid homomorphisms f a : γ →* β a defines a monoid homomorphism Pi.monoidHom f : γ →* Π a, β a given by Pi.monoidHom f x b = f b x.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem Pi.addMonoidHom_injective {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [Nonempty I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] [AddZeroClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →+ f i) (hg : ∀ (i : I), Function.Injective ↑(g i)) :
            theorem Pi.monoidHom_injective {I : Type u} {f : IType v} {γ : Type w} [Nonempty I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] [MulOneClass γ] (g : (i : I) → γ →* f i) (hg : ∀ (i : I), Function.Injective ↑(g i)) :
            theorem Pi.evalAddHom.proof_1 {I : Type u_2} (f : IType u_1) [(i : I) → Add (f i)] (i : I) :
            ∀ (x x_1 : (i : I) → f i), (((i : I) → f i) + ((i : I) → f i)) ((i : I) → f i) instHAdd x x_1 i = x i + x_1 i
            def Pi.evalAddHom {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → Add (f i)] (i : I) :
            AddHom ((i : I) → f i) (f i)

            Evaluation of functions into an indexed collection of additive semigroups at a point is an additive semigroup homomorphism. This is Function.eval i as an AddHom.

            • Pi.evalAddHom f i = { toFun := fun g => g i, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : (i : I) → f i), (((i : I) → f i) + ((i : I) → f i)) ((i : I) → f i) instHAdd x x_1 i = x i + x_1 i) }
            Instances For
              theorem Pi.evalAddHom_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → Add (f i)] (i : I) (g : (i : I) → f i) :
              ↑(Pi.evalAddHom f i) g = g i
              theorem Pi.evalMulHom_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] (i : I) (g : (i : I) → f i) :
              ↑(Pi.evalMulHom f i) g = g i
              def Pi.evalMulHom {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] (i : I) :
              ((i : I) → f i) →ₙ* f i

              Evaluation of functions into an indexed collection of semigroups at a point is a semigroup homomorphism. This is Function.eval i as a MulHom.

              • Pi.evalMulHom f i = { toFun := fun g => g i, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : (i : I) → f i), (((i : I) → f i) * ((i : I) → f i)) ((i : I) → f i) instHMul x x_1 i = x i * x_1 i) }
              Instances For
                theorem Pi.constAddHom.proof_1 (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_2) [Add β] :
                ∀ (x x_1 : β), Function.const α (x + x_1) = Function.const α (x + x_1)
                def Pi.constAddHom (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Add β] :
                AddHom β (αβ)

                Function.const as an AddHom.

                Instances For
                  theorem Pi.constAddHom_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Add β] (a : β) :
                  ∀ (a : α), ↑(Pi.constAddHom α β) a a = Function.const α a a
                  theorem Pi.constMulHom_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Mul β] (a : β) :
                  ∀ (a : α), ↑(Pi.constMulHom α β) a a = Function.const α a a
                  def Pi.constMulHom (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Mul β] :
                  β →ₙ* αβ

                  Function.const as a MulHom.

                  Instances For
                    theorem AddHom.coeFn.proof_1 (α : Type u_2) (β : Type u_1) [Add α] [AddCommSemigroup β] :
                    ∀ (x x_1 : AddHom α β), (fun g => g) (x + x_1) = (fun g => g) (x + x_1)
                    def AddHom.coeFn (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Add α] [AddCommSemigroup β] :
                    AddHom (AddHom α β) (αβ)

                    Coercion of an AddHom into a function is itself an AddHom.

                    See also AddHom.eval.

                    • AddHom.coeFn α β = { toFun := fun g => g, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : AddHom α β), (fun g => g) (x + x_1) = (fun g => g) (x + x_1)) }
                    Instances For
                      theorem MulHom.coeFn_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Mul α] [CommSemigroup β] (g : α →ₙ* β) (a : α) :
                      ↑(MulHom.coeFn α β) g a = g a
                      theorem AddHom.coeFn_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Add α] [AddCommSemigroup β] (g : AddHom α β) (a : α) :
                      ↑(AddHom.coeFn α β) g a = g a
                      def MulHom.coeFn (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [Mul α] [CommSemigroup β] :
                      (α →ₙ* β) →ₙ* αβ

                      Coercion of a MulHom into a function is itself a MulHom.

                      See also MulHom.eval.

                      • MulHom.coeFn α β = { toFun := fun g => g, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : α →ₙ* β), (fun g => g) (x * x_1) = (fun g => g) (x * x_1)) }
                      Instances For
                        theorem AddHom.compLeft.proof_1 {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_2} [Add α] [Add β] (f : AddHom α β) (I : Type u_1) :
                        ∀ (x x_1 : Iα), (fun h => f h) (x + x_1) = (fun h => f h) x + (fun h => f h) x_1
                        def AddHom.compLeft {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Add α] [Add β] (f : AddHom α β) (I : Type u_5) :
                        AddHom (Iα) (Iβ)

                        Additive semigroup homomorphism between the function spaces I → α and I → β, induced by an additive semigroup homomorphism f between α and β

                        • AddHom.compLeft f I = { toFun := fun h => f h, map_add' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : Iα), (fun h => f h) (x + x_1) = (fun h => f h) x + (fun h => f h) x_1) }
                        Instances For
                          theorem MulHom.compLeft_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Mul α] [Mul β] (f : α →ₙ* β) (I : Type u_5) (h : Iα) :
                          ∀ (a : I), ↑(MulHom.compLeft f I) h a = (f h) a
                          theorem AddHom.compLeft_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Add α] [Add β] (f : AddHom α β) (I : Type u_5) (h : Iα) :
                          ∀ (a : I), ↑(AddHom.compLeft f I) h a = (f h) a
                          def MulHom.compLeft {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [Mul α] [Mul β] (f : α →ₙ* β) (I : Type u_5) :
                          (Iα) →ₙ* Iβ

                          Semigroup homomorphism between the function spaces I → α and I → β, induced by a semigroup homomorphism f between α and β.

                          • MulHom.compLeft f I = { toFun := fun h => f h, map_mul' := (_ : ∀ (x x_1 : Iα), (fun h => f h) (x * x_1) = (fun h => f h) x * (fun h => f h) x_1) }
                          Instances For
                            theorem Pi.evalAddMonoidHom.proof_1 {I : Type u_2} (f : IType u_1) [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                            OfNat.ofNat ((i : I) → f i) 0 Zero.toOfNat0 i = 0
                            theorem Pi.evalAddMonoidHom.proof_2 {I : Type u_2} (f : IType u_1) [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                            ∀ (x x_1 : (i : I) → f i), (((i : I) → f i) + ((i : I) → f i)) ((i : I) → f i) instHAdd x x_1 i = x i + x_1 i
                            def Pi.evalAddMonoidHom {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                            ((i : I) → f i) →+ f i

                            Evaluation of functions into an indexed collection of additive monoids at a point is an additive monoid homomorphism. This is Function.eval i as an AddMonoidHom.

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              theorem Pi.evalMonoidHom_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (i : I) (g : (i : I) → f i) :
                              ↑(Pi.evalMonoidHom f i) g = g i
                              theorem Pi.evalAddMonoidHom_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (g : (i : I) → f i) :
                              ↑(Pi.evalAddMonoidHom f i) g = g i
                              def Pi.evalMonoidHom {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                              ((i : I) → f i) →* f i

                              Evaluation of functions into an indexed collection of monoids at a point is a monoid homomorphism. This is Function.eval i as a MonoidHom.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                theorem Pi.constAddMonoidHom.proof_2 (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass β] :
                                ∀ (x x_1 : β), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Function.const α, map_zero' := (_ : Function.const α 0 = Function.const α 0) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := Function.const α, map_zero' := (_ : Function.const α 0 = Function.const α 0) } (x + x_1)
                                def Pi.constAddMonoidHom (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [AddZeroClass β] :
                                β →+ αβ

                                Function.const as an AddMonoidHom.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  theorem Pi.constAddMonoidHom_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [AddZeroClass β] (a : β) :
                                  ∀ (a : α), ↑(Pi.constAddMonoidHom α β) a a = Function.const α a a
                                  theorem Pi.constMonoidHom_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [MulOneClass β] (a : β) :
                                  ∀ (a : α), ↑(Pi.constMonoidHom α β) a a = Function.const α a a
                                  def Pi.constMonoidHom (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [MulOneClass β] :
                                  β →* αβ

                                  Function.const as a MonoidHom.

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    def AddMonoidHom.coeFn (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [AddZeroClass α] [AddCommMonoid β] :
                                    (α →+ β) →+ αβ

                                    Coercion of an AddMonoidHom into a function is itself an AddMonoidHom.

                                    See also AddMonoidHom.eval.

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For
                                      theorem AddMonoidHom.coeFn.proof_2 (α : Type u_2) (β : Type u_1) [AddZeroClass α] [AddCommMonoid β] :
                                      ∀ (x x_1 : α →+ β), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun g => g, map_zero' := (_ : (fun g => g) 0 = (fun g => g) 0) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun g => g, map_zero' := (_ : (fun g => g) 0 = (fun g => g) 0) } (x + x_1)
                                      theorem AddMonoidHom.coeFn.proof_1 (α : Type u_1) (β : Type u_2) [AddZeroClass α] [AddCommMonoid β] :
                                      (fun g => g) 0 = (fun g => g) 0
                                      theorem AddMonoidHom.coeFn_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [AddZeroClass α] [AddCommMonoid β] (g : α →+ β) (a : α) :
                                      ↑(AddMonoidHom.coeFn α β) g a = g a
                                      theorem MonoidHom.coeFn_apply (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [MulOneClass α] [CommMonoid β] (g : α →* β) (a : α) :
                                      ↑(MonoidHom.coeFn α β) g a = g a
                                      def MonoidHom.coeFn (α : Type u_3) (β : Type u_4) [MulOneClass α] [CommMonoid β] :
                                      (α →* β) →* αβ

                                      Coercion of a MonoidHom into a function is itself a MonoidHom.

                                      See also MonoidHom.eval.

                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        def AddMonoidHom.compLeft {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (I : Type u_5) :
                                        (Iα) →+ Iβ

                                        Additive monoid homomorphism between the function spaces I → α and I → β, induced by an additive monoid homomorphism f between α and β

                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For
                                          theorem AddMonoidHom.compLeft.proof_1 {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (I : Type u_1) :
                                          (fun h => f h) 0 = 0
                                          theorem AddMonoidHom.compLeft.proof_2 {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_2} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (I : Type u_1) :
                                          ∀ (x x_1 : Iα), ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun h => f h, map_zero' := (_ : (fun h => f h) 0 = 0) } (x + x_1) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun h => f h, map_zero' := (_ : (fun h => f h) 0 = 0) } x + ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun h => f h, map_zero' := (_ : (fun h => f h) 0 = 0) } x_1
                                          theorem AddMonoidHom.compLeft_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [AddZeroClass α] [AddZeroClass β] (f : α →+ β) (I : Type u_5) (h : Iα) :
                                          ∀ (a : I), ↑(AddMonoidHom.compLeft f I) h a = (f h) a
                                          theorem MonoidHom.compLeft_apply {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [MulOneClass α] [MulOneClass β] (f : α →* β) (I : Type u_5) (h : Iα) :
                                          ∀ (a : I), ↑(MonoidHom.compLeft f I) h a = (f h) a
                                          def MonoidHom.compLeft {α : Type u_3} {β : Type u_4} [MulOneClass α] [MulOneClass β] (f : α →* β) (I : Type u_5) :
                                          (Iα) →* Iβ

                                          Monoid homomorphism between the function spaces I → α and I → β, induced by a monoid homomorphism f between α and β.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            def ZeroHom.single {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] (i : I) :
                                            ZeroHom (f i) ((i : I) → f i)

                                            The zero-preserving homomorphism including a single value into a dependent family of values, as functions supported at a point.

                                            This is the ZeroHom version of Pi.single.

                                            Instances For
                                              theorem ZeroHom.single.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} (f : IType u_2) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] (i : I) :
                                              Pi.single i 0 = 0
                                              def OneHom.single {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → One (f i)] (i : I) :
                                              OneHom (f i) ((i : I) → f i)

                                              The one-preserving homomorphism including a single value into a dependent family of values, as functions supported at a point.

                                              This is the OneHom version of Pi.mulSingle.

                                              Instances For
                                                theorem ZeroHom.single_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                ↑(ZeroHom.single f i) x = Pi.single i x
                                                theorem OneHom.single_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → One (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                theorem AddMonoidHom.single.proof_2 {I : Type u_1} (f : IType u_2) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (x₁ : f i) (x₂ : f i) :
                                                Pi.single i (x₁ + x₂) = fun j => Pi.single i x₁ j + Pi.single i x₂ j
                                                theorem AddMonoidHom.single.proof_1 {I : Type u_1} (f : IType u_2) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                                                def AddMonoidHom.single {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                                                f i →+ (i : I) → f i

                                                The additive monoid homomorphism including a single additive monoid into a dependent family of additive monoids, as functions supported at a point.

                                                This is the AddMonoidHom version of Pi.single.

                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                Instances For
                                                  def MonoidHom.single {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                                                  f i →* (i : I) → f i

                                                  The monoid homomorphism including a single monoid into a dependent family of additive monoids, as functions supported at a point.

                                                  This is the MonoidHom version of Pi.mulSingle.

                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                  Instances For
                                                    theorem AddMonoidHom.single_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                    theorem MonoidHom.single_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                    theorem MulHom.single_apply {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (j : I) :
                                                    ↑(MulHom.single f i) x j = Pi.single i x j
                                                    def MulHom.single {I : Type u} (f : IType v) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) :
                                                    f i →ₙ* (i : I) → f i

                                                    The multiplicative homomorphism including a single MulZeroClass into a dependent family of MulZeroClasses, as functions supported at a point.

                                                    This is the MulHom version of Pi.single.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      theorem Pi.single_sup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → SemilatticeSup (f i)] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_sup {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → SemilatticeSup (f i)] [(i : I) → One (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_inf {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → SemilatticeInf (f i)] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_inf {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → SemilatticeInf (f i)] [(i : I) → One (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_add {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (x + y) = Pi.single i x + Pi.single i y
                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_mul {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_neg {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_inv {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Group (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_sub {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (x - y) = Pi.single i x - Pi.single i y
                                                      theorem Pi.single_div {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Group (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_mul {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (i : I) (x : f i) (y : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (x * y) = Pi.single i x * Pi.single i y
                                                      theorem Pi.single_mul_left_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (j : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (a : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (a * x i) j = Pi.single i a j * x j
                                                      theorem Pi.single_mul_right_apply {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (j : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (a : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (x i * a) j = x j * Pi.single i a j
                                                      theorem Pi.single_mul_left {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (a : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (a * x i) = Pi.single i a * x
                                                      theorem Pi.single_mul_right {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulZeroClass (f i)] (a : f i) :
                                                      Pi.single i (x i * a) = x * Pi.single i a
                                                      theorem Pi.single_commute {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] :
                                                      Pairwise fun i j => ∀ (x : f i) (y : f j), AddCommute (Pi.single i x) (Pi.single j y)

                                                      The injection into an additive pi group at different indices commutes.

                                                      For injections of commuting elements at the same index, see

                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_commute {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] :
                                                      Pairwise fun i j => ∀ (x : f i) (y : f j), Commute (Pi.mulSingle i x) (Pi.mulSingle j y)

                                                      The injection into a pi group at different indices commutes.

                                                      For injections of commuting elements at the same index, see

                                                      theorem Pi.single_apply_commute {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddZeroClass (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (j : I) :
                                                      AddCommute (Pi.single i (x i)) (Pi.single j (x j))

                                                      The injection into an additive pi group with the same values commutes.

                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_apply_commute {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → MulOneClass (f i)] (x : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (j : I) :
                                                      Commute (Pi.mulSingle i (x i)) (Pi.mulSingle j (x j))

                                                      The injection into a pi group with the same values commutes.

                                                      theorem Pi.update_eq_sub_add_single {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → AddGroup (f i)] (g : (i : I) → f i) (x : f i) :
                                                      Function.update g i x = g - Pi.single i (g i) + Pi.single i x
                                                      theorem Pi.update_eq_div_mul_mulSingle {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Group (f i)] (g : (i : I) → f i) (x : f i) :
                                                      theorem Pi.single_add_single_eq_single_add_single {I : Type u} [DecidableEq I] {M : Type u_3} [AddCommMonoid M] {k : I} {l : I} {m : I} {n : I} {u : M} {v : M} (hu : u 0) (hv : v 0) :
                                                      Pi.single k u + Pi.single l v = Pi.single m u + Pi.single n v k = m l = n u = v k = n l = m u + v = 0 k = l m = n
                                                      theorem Pi.mulSingle_mul_mulSingle_eq_mulSingle_mul_mulSingle {I : Type u} [DecidableEq I] {M : Type u_3} [CommMonoid M] {k : I} {l : I} {m : I} {n : I} {u : M} {v : M} (hu : u 1) (hv : v 1) :
                                                      Pi.mulSingle k u * Pi.mulSingle l v = Pi.mulSingle m u * Pi.mulSingle n v k = m l = n u = v k = n l = m u * v = 1 k = l m = n
                                                      theorem Function.update_zero {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (i : I) :
                                                      theorem Function.update_one {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → One (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (i : I) :
                                                      theorem Function.update_add {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Add (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) (x₂ : f i) :
                                                      Function.update (f₁ + f₂) i (x₁ + x₂) = Function.update f₁ i x₁ + Function.update f₂ i x₂
                                                      theorem Function.update_mul {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) (x₂ : f i) :
                                                      Function.update (f₁ * f₂) i (x₁ * x₂) = Function.update f₁ i x₁ * Function.update f₂ i x₂
                                                      theorem Function.update_neg {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Neg (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) :
                                                      Function.update (-f₁) i (-x₁) = -Function.update f₁ i x₁
                                                      theorem Function.update_inv {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Inv (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) :
                                                      theorem Function.update_sub {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Sub (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) (x₂ : f i) :
                                                      Function.update (f₁ - f₂) i (x₁ - x₂) = Function.update f₁ i x₁ - Function.update f₂ i x₂
                                                      theorem Function.update_div {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Div (f i)] [DecidableEq I] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (i : I) (x₁ : f i) (x₂ : f i) :
                                                      Function.update (f₁ / f₂) i (x₁ / x₂) = Function.update f₁ i x₁ / Function.update f₂ i x₂
                                                      theorem Function.const_eq_zero {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [Zero α] [Nonempty ι] {a : α} :
                                                      Function.const ι a = 0 a = 0
                                                      theorem Function.const_eq_one {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [One α] [Nonempty ι] {a : α} :
                                                      Function.const ι a = 1 a = 1
                                                      theorem Function.const_ne_zero {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [Zero α] [Nonempty ι] {a : α} :
                                                      theorem Function.const_ne_one {ι : Type u_1} {α : Type u_2} [One α] [Nonempty ι] {a : α} :
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_add {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Add (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₂ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s (f₁ + f₂) (g₁ + g₂) = Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁ + Set.piecewise s f₂ g₂
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_mul {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Mul (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₂ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s (f₁ * f₂) (g₁ * g₂) = Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁ * Set.piecewise s f₂ g₂
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_neg {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Neg (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s (-f₁) (-g₁) = -Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_inv {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Inv (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s f₁⁻¹ g₁⁻¹ = (Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁)⁻¹
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_sub {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Sub (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₂ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s (f₁ - f₂) (g₁ - g₂) = Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁ - Set.piecewise s f₂ g₂
                                                      theorem Set.piecewise_div {I : Type u} {f : IType v} [(i : I) → Div (f i)] (s : Set I) [(i : I) → Decidable (i s)] (f₁ : (i : I) → f i) (f₂ : (i : I) → f i) (g₁ : (i : I) → f i) (g₂ : (i : I) → f i) :
                                                      Set.piecewise s (f₁ / f₂) (g₁ / g₂) = Set.piecewise s f₁ g₁ / Set.piecewise s f₂ g₂
                                                      noncomputable def Function.ExtendByZero.hom {ι : Type u_1} {η : Type v} (R : Type w) (s : ιη) [AddZeroClass R] :
                                                      (ιR) →+ ηR

                                                      Function.extend s f 0 as a bundled hom.

                                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                      Instances For
                                                        theorem Function.ExtendByZero.hom.proof_1 {ι : Type u_3} {η : Type u_1} (R : Type u_2) (s : ιη) [AddZeroClass R] :
                                                        theorem Function.ExtendByZero.hom.proof_2 {ι : Type u_3} {η : Type u_1} (R : Type u_2) (s : ιη) [AddZeroClass R] (f : ιR) (g : ιR) :
                                                        ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun f => Function.extend s f 0, map_zero' := (_ : Function.extend s 0 0 = 0) } (f + g) = ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun f => Function.extend s f 0, map_zero' := (_ : Function.extend s 0 0 = 0) } f + ZeroHom.toFun { toFun := fun f => Function.extend s f 0, map_zero' := (_ : Function.extend s 0 0 = 0) } g
                                                        theorem Function.ExtendByOne.hom_apply {ι : Type u_1} {η : Type v} (R : Type w) (s : ιη) [MulOneClass R] (f : ιR) :
                                                        ∀ (a : η), ↑(Function.ExtendByOne.hom R s) f a = Function.extend s f 1 a
                                                        theorem Function.ExtendByZero.hom_apply {ι : Type u_1} {η : Type v} (R : Type w) (s : ιη) [AddZeroClass R] (f : ιR) :
                                                        ∀ (a : η), ↑(Function.ExtendByZero.hom R s) f a = Function.extend s f 0 a
                                                        noncomputable def Function.ExtendByOne.hom {ι : Type u_1} {η : Type v} (R : Type w) (s : ιη) [MulOneClass R] :
                                                        (ιR) →* ηR

                                                        Function.extend s f 1 as a bundled hom.

                                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                        Instances For
                                                          theorem Pi.single_mono {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Preorder (f i)] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] :
                                                          theorem Pi.mulSingle_mono {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Preorder (f i)] [(i : I) → One (f i)] :
                                                          theorem Pi.single_strictMono {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Preorder (f i)] [(i : I) → Zero (f i)] :
                                                          theorem Pi.mulSingle_strictMono {I : Type u} {f : IType v} (i : I) [DecidableEq I] [(i : I) → Preorder (f i)] [(i : I) → One (f i)] :