Constructions of (co)limits in CommRingCat
In this file we provide the explicit (co)cones for various (co)limits in CommRingCat
, including
- tensor product is the pushout
is the initial object0
is the strict terminal object- cartesian product is the product
is the equalizer
The explicit cocone with tensor products as the fibered product in CommRingCat
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Instances For
Verify that the pushout_cocone
is indeed the colimit.
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Instances For
is the initial object of CommRingCat
Instances For
The product in CommRingCat
is the cartesian product. This is the binary fan.
- CommRingCat.prodFan A B = (CommRingCat.ofHom (RingHom.fst ↑A ↑B)) (CommRingCat.ofHom (RingHom.snd ↑A ↑B))
Instances For
The product in CommRingCat
is the cartesian product.
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Instances For
The equalizer in CommRingCat
is the equalizer as sets. This is the equalizer fork.
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Instances For
The equalizer in CommRingCat
is the equalizer as sets.
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Instances For
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
In the category of CommRingCat
, the pullback of f : A ⟶ C
and g : B ⟶ C
is the eqLocus
of the two maps A × B ⟶ C
. This is the constructed pullback cone.
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Instances For
The constructed pullback cone is indeed the limit.
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