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From https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/113489-new-members/topic/Lean4.20autocomplete
Will have to keep on fiddling the topic of meta-programming, syntax and dealing with files in Lean
- https://github.com/utensil/LeanBlueprintExample/blob/main/Exe/Decls.lean
- https://leanprover.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/270676-lean4/topic/get.20filename.20.2B.20pos
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.TryThis
open Lean.Meta.Tactic
namespace Mathlib.Tactic.imp
open Lean Elab Command FuzzyMatching System
Infer module name of source file name.
def moduleNameOfFileName (fname : FilePath) (rootDir : Option FilePath) : IO Name := do
Lean.initSearchPath (<- Lean.findSysroot) [(<- IO.currentDir) / "lake-packages/mathlib/" ]
let fname β IO.FS.realPath fname
let rootDir β match rootDir with
| some rootDir => pure rootDir
| none => IO.currentDir
let mut rootDir β realPathNormalized rootDir
if ! rootDir.toString.endsWith System.FilePath.pathSeparator.toString then
rootDir := β¨rootDir.toString ++ System.FilePath.pathSeparator.toStringβ©
if ! rootDir.toString.isPrefixOf fname.normalize.toString then
throw $ IO.userError s! "input file '{fname}' must be contained in root directory ({rootDir})"
-- NOTE: use `fname` instead of `fname.normalize` to preserve casing on all platforms
let fnameSuffixComponents := fname.withExtension "" |>. components.drop (rootDir.components.length + 1 )
let modName := fnameSuffixComponents.foldl Name.mkStr Name.anonymous
pure modName
A syntax that allows strings to be printed without surrounding them by guillemets Β«...Β»
declare_syntax_cat write_me_output_stx
@[ inherit_doc Parser.Category.write_me_output_stx : Parser.Category
Parser.Category.write_me_output_stxWarning: Parser.Category.write_me_output_stx does not have a doc string ]
syntax "import " ident : write_me_output_stx : Parser.Category
imp <string>
tries to find a file matching Mathlib.<string>
It prints a list of candidates, taking the names from Mathlib.lean
If there is only one candidate, it suggests import Mathlib.<uniqueCandidate>
as a Try this
Using imp! <string>
uses fuzzy-matching, rather than exact matching.
elab ( name := commandImp! ) tk Warning: unused variable `tk `
note: this linter can be disabled with `set_option linter.unusedVariables false` :"imp" fz : Option (TSyntax Name.anonymous)
fz :("!" )? na :( colGt : optParam String "checkColGt" β Parser.Parser
colGt ident ) : command => do
let inp := na . getId . toString : Name β optParam Bool true β (optParam (String β Bool) fun x => false) β String
let dat := (β IO.FS.lines ".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib.lean") : Array String
(β IO.FS.lines : FilePath β IO (Array String)
IO.FS.lines (β IO.FS.lines ".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib.lean") : Array String
".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib.lean" : String
".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib.lean" (β IO.FS.lines ".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib.lean") : Array String
). map : {Ξ± Ξ² : Type} β (Ξ± β Ξ²) β Array Ξ± β Array Ξ²
map ( String.drop : String β Nat β String
String.drop Β· 15 )
let cands := dat . filter : {Ξ± : Type} β (Ξ± β Bool) β (as : Array Ξ±) β optParam Nat 0 β optParam Nat as.size β Array Ξ±
filter <| ( if fz : Option (TSyntax Name.anonymous)
fz . isSome : {Ξ± : Type} β Option Ξ± β Bool
isSome then fuzzyMatch : String β String β optParam Float 0.2 β Bool
fuzzyMatch else String.isPrefixOf : String β String β Bool
String.isPrefixOf) inp
liftTermElabM : {Ξ± : Type} β TermElabM Ξ± β CommandElabM Ξ±
liftTermElabM do
cands . toList : {Ξ± : Type} β Array Ξ± β List Ξ±
toList. forM : {m : Type β Type} β [inst : Monad m] β {Ξ± : Type} β List Ξ± β (Ξ± β m PUnit) β m PUnit
forM fun imp => do
let impS β moduleNameOfFileName : FilePath β Option FilePath β IO Name
moduleNameOfFileName ( ".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib/" : String
".lake/packages/mathlib/Mathlib/" ++ imp . replace : String β String β String β String
replace "." "/" ++ ".lean" ) ".lake/packages/mathlib/" : String
let imp : TSyntax `write_me_output_stx
imp : TSyntax : SyntaxNodeKinds β Type
TSyntax `write_me_output_stx : Name
`write_me_output_stx β ` (write_me_output_stx| import $ ( mkIdent impS ))
let stx β getRef : {m : Type β Type} β [self : MonadRef m] β m Syntax
TryThis.addSuggestion : Syntax β
TryThis.Suggestion β
optParam (Option Syntax) none β optParam String "Try this: " β optParam (Option String) none β MetaM Unit
TryThis.addSuggestion stx imp : TSyntax `write_me_output_stx
@[ inherit_doc commandImp! Warning: commandImp! does not have a doc string ]
macro "imp!" na :( colGt : optParam String "checkColGt" β Parser.Parser
colGt ident ) : command => ` ( command | imp ! $ na )
end Mathlib.Tactic.imp
imp! Ring Try this: import Ideal.AssociatedPrime Try this: import Category.TopCommRingCat Try this: import BigOperators.Ring Try this: import BigOperators.Ring.List Try this: import BigOperators.Ring.Multiset Try this: import BigOperators.Ring.Nat Try this: import BigOperators.RingEquiv Try this: import Category.BoolRing Try this: import Category.ModuleCat.ChangeOfRings Try this: import Category.ModuleCat.Presheaf.ChangeOfRings Try this: import Category.ModuleCat.Sheaf.ChangeOfRings Try this: import Category.Ring.Adjunctions Try this: import Category.Ring.Basic Try this: import Category.Ring.Colimits Try this: import Category.Ring.Constructions Try this: import Category.Ring.FilteredColimits Try this: import Category.Ring.Instances Try this: import Category.Ring.Limits Try this: import CharP.LocalRing Try this: import DirectSum.Ring Try this: import MvPolynomial.CommRing Try this: import Order.BigOperators.Ring.Finset Try this: import Order.BigOperators.Ring.List Try this: import Order.BigOperators.Ring.Multiset Try this: import Order.Hom.Ring Try this: import Order.Nonneg.Ring Try this: import Order.Positive.Ring Try this: import Order.Ring.Abs Try this: import Order.Ring.Basic Try this: import Order.Ring.Canonical Try this: import Order.Ring.Cast Try this: import Order.Ring.Cone Try this: import Order.Ring.Defs Try this: import Order.Ring.Finset Try this: import Order.Ring.InjSurj Try this: import Order.Ring.Int Try this: import Order.Ring.Nat Try this: import Order.Ring.Opposite Try this: import Order.Ring.Pow Try this: import Order.Ring.Prod Try this: import Order.Ring.Rat Try this: import Order.Ring.Star Try this: import Order.Ring.Synonym Try this: import Order.Ring.Unbundled.Basic Try this: import Order.Ring.Unbundled.Nonneg Try this: import Order.Ring.Unbundled.Rat Try this: import Order.Ring.WithTop Try this: import Polynomial.GroupRingAction Try this: import Polynomial.RingDivision Try this: import Ring.Action.Basic Try this: import Ring.Action.Field Try this: import Ring.Action.Group Try this: import Ring.Action.Invariant Try this: import Ring.Action.Subobjects Try this: import Ring.AddAut Try this: import Ring.Aut Try this: import Ring.Basic Try this: import Ring.BooleanRing Try this: import Ring.Center Try this: import Ring.Centralizer Try this: import Ring.CentroidHom Try this: import Ring.Commute Try this: import Ring.CompTypeclasses Try this: import Ring.Defs Try this: import Ring.Divisibility.Basic Try this: import Ring.Divisibility.Lemmas Try this: import Ring.Equiv Try this: import Ring.Ext Try this: import Ring.Fin Try this: import Ring.Hom.Basic Try this: import Ring.Hom.Defs Try this: import Ring.Idempotents Try this: import Ring.Identities Try this: import Ring.InjSurj Try this: import Ring.Int Try this: import Ring.Invertible Try this: import Ring.MinimalAxioms Try this: import Ring.Nat Try this: import Ring.NegOnePow Try this: import Ring.Opposite Try this: import Ring.Parity Try this: import Ring.Pi Try this: import Ring.Pointwise.Set Try this: import Ring.Prod Try this: import Ring.Rat Try this: import Ring.Regular Try this: import Ring.Semiconj Try this: import Ring.Semireal.Defs Try this: import Ring.Subring.Basic Try this: import Ring.Subring.IntPolynomial Try this: import Ring.Subring.MulOpposite Try this: import Ring.Subring.Order Try this: import Ring.Subring.Pointwise Try this: import Ring.Subring.Units Try this: import Ring.Subsemiring.Basic Try this: import Ring.Subsemiring.MulOpposite Try this: import Ring.Subsemiring.Order Try this: import Ring.Subsemiring.Pointwise Try this: import Ring.SumsOfSquares Try this: import Ring.ULift Try this: import Ring.Units Try this: import Ring.WithZero Try this: import RingQuot Try this: import Star.RingQuot Try this: import Star.StarRingHom Try this: import Morphisms.RingHomProperties Try this: import Complex.RemovableSingularity Try this: import Normed.Ring.IsPowMulFaithful Try this: import Normed.Ring.Seminorm Try this: import Normed.Ring.SeminormFromBounded Try this: import Normed.Ring.SeminormFromConst Try this: import Normed.Ring.Ultra Try this: import Normed.Ring.Units Try this: import Additive.RuzsaCovering Try this: import Nat.Cast.Order.Ring Try this: import Ring Try this: import Manifold.Sheaf.LocallyRingedSpace Try this: import RingedSpace.Basic Try this: import RingedSpace.LocallyRingedSpace Try this: import RingedSpace.LocallyRingedSpace.HasColimits Try this: import RingedSpace.LocallyRingedSpace.ResidueField Try this: import RingedSpace.OpenImmersion Try this: import RingedSpace.PresheafedSpace Try this: import RingedSpace.PresheafedSpace.Gluing Try this: import RingedSpace.PresheafedSpace.HasColimits Try this: import RingedSpace.SheafedSpace Try this: import RingedSpace.Stalks Try this: import GroupAction.Ring Try this: import Dimension.DivisionRing Try this: import RootSystem.RootPairingCat Try this: import Small.Ring Try this: import Algebra.Ring.Basic Try this: import Algebra.Ring.FreeCommRing Try this: import Padics.RingHoms Try this: import Filter.AtTopBot.Ring Try this: import Filter.Ring Try this: import AdicCompletion.Algebra Try this: import AdicCompletion.AsTensorProduct Try this: import AdicCompletion.Basic Try this: import AdicCompletion.Exactness Try this: import AdicCompletion.Functoriality Try this: import Adjoin.Basic Try this: import Adjoin.FG Try this: import Adjoin.Field Try this: import Adjoin.PowerBasis Try this: import Adjoin.Tower Try this: import AdjoinRoot Try this: import AlgebraTower Try this: import Algebraic Try this: import AlgebraicIndependent Try this: import Artinian Try this: import Bezout Try this: import Bialgebra.Basic Try this: import Bialgebra.Equiv Try this: import Bialgebra.Hom Try this: import Binomial Try this: import ChainOfDivisors Try this: import ClassGroup Try this: import Coalgebra.Basic Try this: import Coalgebra.Equiv Try this: import Coalgebra.Hom Try this: import Coalgebra.TensorProduct Try this: import Complex Try this: import Congruence.Basic Try this: import Congruence.BigOperators Try this: import Congruence.Opposite Try this: import Coprime.Basic Try this: import Coprime.Ideal Try this: import Coprime.Lemmas Try this: import DedekindDomain.AdicValuation Try this: import DedekindDomain.Basic Try this: import DedekindDomain.Different Try this: import DedekindDomain.Dvr Try this: import DedekindDomain.Factorization Try this: import DedekindDomain.FiniteAdeleRing Try this: import DedekindDomain.Ideal Try this: import DedekindDomain.IntegralClosure Try this: import DedekindDomain.PID Try this: import DedekindDomain.SInteger Try this: import DedekindDomain.SelmerGroup Try this: import Derivation.Basic Try this: import Derivation.DifferentialRing Try this: import Derivation.Lie Try this: import Derivation.MapCoeffs Try this: import Derivation.ToSquareZero Try this: import DiscreteValuationRing.Basic Try this: import DiscreteValuationRing.TFAE Try this: import Discriminant Try this: import DualNumber Try this: import EisensteinCriterion Try this: import EssentialFiniteness Try this: import Etale.Basic Try this: import EuclideanDomain Try this: import Filtration Try this: import FiniteLength Try this: import FinitePresentation Try this: import FiniteStability Try this: import FiniteType Try this: import Finiteness Try this: import Fintype Try this: import Flat.Algebra Try this: import Flat.Basic Try this: import Flat.CategoryTheory Try this: import Flat.EquationalCriterion Try this: import Flat.FaithfullyFlat Try this: import Flat.Stability Try this: import FractionalIdeal.Basic Try this: import FractionalIdeal.Extended Try this: import FractionalIdeal.Norm Try this: import FractionalIdeal.Operations Try this: import FreeCommRing Try this: import FreeRing Try this: import Generators Try this: import GradedAlgebra.Basic Try this: import GradedAlgebra.HomogeneousIdeal Try this: import GradedAlgebra.HomogeneousLocalization Try this: import GradedAlgebra.Noetherian Try this: import GradedAlgebra.Radical Try this: import HahnSeries.Addition Try this: import HahnSeries.Basic Try this: import HahnSeries.Multiplication Try this: import HahnSeries.PowerSeries Try this: import HahnSeries.Summable Try this: import HahnSeries.Valuation Try this: import Henselian Try this: import HopfAlgebra Try this: import Polynomial.Eisenstein.IsIntegral Try this: import Ideal.Basic Try this: import Ideal.Basis Try this: import Ideal.Colon Try this: import Ideal.Cotangent Try this: import Ideal.IdempotentFG Try this: import Ideal.IsPrimary Try this: import Ideal.IsPrincipal Try this: import Ideal.Maps Try this: import Ideal.MinimalPrime Try this: import Ideal.Norm Try this: import Ideal.Operations Try this: import Ideal.Over Try this: import Ideal.Pointwise Try this: import Ideal.Prod Try this: import Ideal.Quotient Try this: import Ideal.QuotientOperations Try this: import Idempotents Try this: import Int.Basic Try this: import IntegralClosure.Algebra.Basic Try this: import IntegralClosure.Algebra.Defs Try this: import IntegralClosure.IntegralRestrict Try this: import IntegralClosure.IntegrallyClosed Try this: import IntegralClosure.IsIntegral.Basic Try this: import IntegralClosure.IsIntegral.Defs Try this: import IntegralClosure.IsIntegralClosure.Basic Try this: import IntegralClosure.IsIntegralClosure.Defs Try this: import IntegralDomain Try this: import IsAdjoinRoot Try this: import IsTensorProduct Try this: import Jacobson Try this: import JacobsonIdeal Try this: import Kaehler.Basic Try this: import Kaehler.CotangentComplex Try this: import Kaehler.Polynomial Try this: import KrullDimension.Basic Try this: import KrullDimension.Field Try this: import LaurentSeries Try this: import LittleWedderburn Try this: import LocalProperties.Basic Try this: import LocalProperties.IntegrallyClosed Try this: import LocalProperties.Reduced Try this: import LocalRing.Basic Try this: import LocalRing.Defs Try this: import LocalRing.MaximalIdeal.Basic Try this: import LocalRing.MaximalIdeal.Defs Try this: import LocalRing.Module Try this: import LocalRing.Quotient Try this: import LocalRing.ResidueField.Basic Try this: import LocalRing.ResidueField.Defs Try this: import LocalRing.RingHom.Basic Try this: import Localization.Algebra Try this: import Localization.AsSubring Try this: import Localization.AtPrime Try this: import Localization.Away.AdjoinRoot Try this: import Localization.Away.Basic Try this: import Localization.Away.Lemmas Try this: import Localization.BaseChange Try this: import Localization.Basic Try this: import Localization.Cardinality Try this: import Localization.Defs Try this: import Localization.Finiteness Try this: import Localization.FractionRing Try this: import Localization.Ideal Try this: import Localization.Integer Try this: import Localization.Integral Try this: import Localization.InvSubmonoid Try this: import Localization.LocalizationLocalization Try this: import Localization.Module Try this: import Localization.NormTrace Try this: import Localization.NumDen Try this: import Localization.Submodule Try this: import MatrixAlgebra Try this: import MaximalSpectrum Try this: import Multiplicity Try this: import MvPolynomial.Basic Try this: import MvPolynomial.Homogeneous Try this: import MvPolynomial.Ideal Try this: import MvPolynomial.Localization Try this: import MvPolynomial.Symmetric.Defs Try this: import MvPolynomial.Symmetric.FundamentalTheorem Try this: import MvPolynomial.Symmetric.NewtonIdentities Try this: import MvPolynomial.Tower Try this: import MvPolynomial.WeightedHomogeneous Try this: import MvPowerSeries.Basic Try this: import MvPowerSeries.Inverse Try this: import MvPowerSeries.LexOrder Try this: import MvPowerSeries.NoZeroDivisors Try this: import MvPowerSeries.Trunc Try this: import Nakayama Try this: import Nilpotent.Basic Try this: import Nilpotent.Defs Try this: import Nilpotent.Lemmas Try this: import Noetherian Try this: import NonUnitalSubring.Basic Try this: import NonUnitalSubsemiring.Basic Try this: import Norm.Basic Try this: import Norm.Defs Try this: import NormTrace Try this: import Nullstellensatz Try this: import OreLocalization.Basic Try this: import OreLocalization.OreSet Try this: import OreLocalization.Ring Try this: import OrzechProperty Try this: import Perfection Try this: import PiTensorProduct Try this: import Polynomial.Basic Try this: import Polynomial.Bernstein Try this: import Polynomial.Chebyshev Try this: import Polynomial.Content Try this: import Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Basic Try this: import Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Eval Try this: import Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Expand Try this: import Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Roots Try this: import Polynomial.Dickson Try this: import Polynomial.Eisenstein.Basic Try this: import TensorProduct.Basic Try this: import Polynomial.GaussLemma Try this: import Polynomial.Hermite.Basic Try this: import Polynomial.Hermite.Gaussian Try this: import Polynomial.IntegralNormalization Try this: import Polynomial.IrreducibleRing Try this: import Polynomial.Nilpotent Try this: import Polynomial.Opposites Try this: import Polynomial.Pochhammer Try this: import Polynomial.Quotient Try this: import Polynomial.RationalRoot Try this: import Polynomial.ScaleRoots Try this: import Polynomial.Selmer Try this: import Polynomial.SeparableDegree Try this: import Polynomial.Tower Try this: import Polynomial.Vieta Try this: import Polynomial.Wronskian Try this: import PolynomialAlgebra Try this: import PowerBasis Try this: import PowerSeries.Basic Try this: import PowerSeries.Derivative Try this: import PowerSeries.Inverse Try this: import PowerSeries.Order Try this: import PowerSeries.Trunc Try this: import PowerSeries.WellKnown Try this: import Presentation Try this: import Prime Try this: import PrimeSpectrum Try this: import PrincipalIdealDomain Try this: import QuotSMulTop Try this: import QuotientNilpotent Try this: import QuotientNoetherian Try this: import Radical Try this: import ReesAlgebra Try this: import Regular.IsSMulRegular Try this: import Regular.RegularSequence Try this: import RingHom.Finite Try this: import RingHom.FinitePresentation Try this: import RingHom.FiniteType Try this: import RingHom.Integral Try this: import RingHom.Locally Try this: import RingHom.StandardSmooth Try this: import RingHom.Surjective Try this: import RingHomProperties Try this: import RingInvo Try this: import RootsOfUnity.Basic Try this: import RootsOfUnity.Complex Try this: import RootsOfUnity.Lemmas Try this: import RootsOfUnity.Minpoly Try this: import SimpleModule Try this: import SimpleRing.Basic Try this: import SimpleRing.Defs Try this: import Smooth.Basic Try this: import Smooth.Kaehler Try this: import Smooth.Pi Try this: import Smooth.StandardSmooth Try this: import Support Try this: import SurjectiveOnStalks Try this: import WittVector.Basic Try this: import TensorProduct.MvPolynomial Try this: import Trace.Basic Try this: import Trace.Defs Try this: import Trace.Quotient Try this: import TwoSidedIdeal.Basic Try this: import TwoSidedIdeal.BigOperators Try this: import TwoSidedIdeal.Instances Try this: import TwoSidedIdeal.Lattice Try this: import TwoSidedIdeal.Operations Try this: import UniqueFactorizationDomain Try this: import Unramified.Basic Try this: import Unramified.Derivations Try this: import Unramified.Field Try this: import Unramified.Finite Try this: import Unramified.Pi Try this: import Valuation.AlgebraInstances Try this: import Valuation.Basic Try this: import Valuation.ExtendToLocalization Try this: import Valuation.Integers Try this: import Valuation.Integral Try this: import Valuation.Minpoly Try this: import Valuation.PrimeMultiplicity Try this: import Valuation.Quotient Try this: import Valuation.RamificationGroup Try this: import Valuation.RankOne Try this: import Valuation.ValExtension Try this: import Valuation.ValuationRing Try this: import Valuation.ValuationSubring Try this: import WittVector.Teichmuller Try this: import WittVector.Compare Try this: import WittVector.Defs Try this: import WittVector.DiscreteValuationRing Try this: import WittVector.Domain Try this: import WittVector.Frobenius Try this: import WittVector.FrobeniusFractionField Try this: import WittVector.Identities Try this: import WittVector.InitTail Try this: import WittVector.IsPoly Try this: import WittVector.Isocrystal Try this: import WittVector.MulCoeff Try this: import WittVector.MulP Try this: import WittVector.StructurePolynomial Try this: import Ring.Basic Try this: import WittVector.Truncated Try this: import WittVector.Verschiebung Try this: import WittVector.WittPolynomial Try this: import ZMod Try this: import NoncommRing Try this: import Ring Try this: import Algebra.InfiniteSum.Ring Try this: import Ring.Compare Try this: import Ring.PNat Try this: import Ring.RingNF Try this: import Algebra.Ring.Ideal Try this: import Algebra.Ring.Basic Try this: import Algebra.UniformRing