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-- import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.SpinGroup
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.Contraction
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.ExteriorAlgebra.OfAlternating
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.CliffordAlgebra.BaseChange
-- import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Finrank
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Multilinear.FiniteDimensional
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.TensorAlgebra.Basis
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.ExteriorAlgebra.Grading
import Mathlib.Tactic

open QuadraticForm BilinForm ExteriorAlgebra FiniteDimensional

QuadraticForm.polar_self.{u_4, u_3} {R : Type u_3} {M : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] (Q : QuadraticForm R M) (x : M) : polar (Q) x x = 2 * Q x
polar_self: ∀ {R : Type u_3} {M : Type u_4} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M] (Q : QuadraticForm R M) (x : M), polar (⇑Q) x x = 2 * Q x
universe uR uM variable {
κ: Type uκ
Type uκ: Type (uκ + 1)
} variable {
R: Type uR
Type uR: Type (uR + 1)
Type uR
} [
CommRing: Type uR → Type uR
R: Type uR
] [
Invertible: {α : Type uR} → [inst : Mul α] → [inst : One α] → α → Type uR
2: R
R: Type uR
)] [
Nontrivial: Type uR → Prop
R: Type uR
] variable {
M: Type uM
Type uM: Type (uM + 1)
Type uM
} [
AddCommGroup: Type uM → Type uM
M: Type uM
] [
Module: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst : AddCommMonoid M] → Type (max uR uM)
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
] -- variable {B : BilinForm R M} variable (
Q: QuadraticForm R M
QuadraticForm: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Type (max uR uM)
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
) {
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
CliffordAlgebra: {R : Type uR} → [inst : CommRing R] → {M : Type uM} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → QuadraticForm R M → Type (max uM uR)
Q: QuadraticForm R M
} {
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
ExteriorAlgebra: (R : Type uR) → [inst : CommRing R] → (M : Type uM) → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst : Module R M] → Type (max uM uR)
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
} variable [
Module.Finite: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
] [
Module.Free: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
] variable {
ι: Type uι
Type uι: Type (uι + 1)
} variable [
DecidableEq: Type uι → Type uι
ι: Type uι
] [
AddMonoid: Type uι → Type uι
ι: Type uι
] variable (
𝒜: ι → Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
ι: Type uι
Submodule: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type (max uM uR)) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Type (max uM uR)
R: Type uR
ExteriorAlgebra: (R : Type uR) → [inst : CommRing R] → (M : Type uM) → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst : Module R M] → Type (max uM uR)
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
)) noncomputable def
QuadraticForm.B: {R : Type uR} → [inst : CommRing R] → {M : Type uM} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → QuadraticForm R M → LinearMap.BilinForm R M
Classical.choose: {α : Type (max uM uR)} → {p : α → Prop} → (∃ x, p x) → α
Q: QuadraticForm R M
exists_companion: ∀ {R : Type uR} {M : Type uM} [inst : CommSemiring R] [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] [inst_2 : Module R M] (Q : QuadraticForm R M), ∃ B, ∀ (x y : M), Q (x + y) = Q x + Q y + (B x) y
Nat.sum_range_choose (n : ℕ) : m Finset.range (n + 1), n.choose m = 2 ^ n
Nat.sum_range_choose: ∀ (n : ℕ), ∑ m ∈ Finset.range (n + 1), n.choose m = 2 ^ n
FiniteDimensional.finrank_directSum.{u, v, w} (R : Type u) [Ring R] [StrongRankCondition R] : Type v} [Fintype ι] (M : ι Type w) [(i : ι) AddCommGroup (M i)] [(i : ι) Module R (M i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Finite R (M i)] : finrank R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i) = i : ι, finrank R (M i)
FiniteDimensional.finrank_directSum: ∀ (R : Type u) [inst : Ring R] [inst_1 : StrongRankCondition R] {ι : Type v} [inst_2 : Fintype ι] (M : ι → Type w) [inst_3 : (i : ι) → AddCommGroup (M i)] [inst_4 : (i : ι) → Module R (M i)] [inst_5 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)] [inst_6 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Finite R (M i)], finrank R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i) = ∑ i : ι, finrank R (M i)
rank_directSum.{u, v, w} (R : Type u) [Ring R] [StrongRankCondition R] : Type v} (M : ι Type w) [(i : ι) AddCommGroup (M i)] [(i : ι) Module R (M i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)] : Module.rank R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i) = Cardinal.sum fun i => Module.rank R (M i)
rank_directSum: ∀ (R : Type u) [inst : Ring R] [inst_1 : StrongRankCondition R] {ι : Type v} (M : ι → Type w) [inst_2 : (i : ι) → AddCommGroup (M i)] [inst_3 : (i : ι) → Module R (M i)] [inst_4 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)], Module.rank R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i) = Cardinal.sum fun i => Module.rank R (M i)
DirectSum.decomposeAlgEquiv.{u_3, u_2, u_1} : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} {A : Type u_3} [DecidableEq ι] [AddMonoid ι] [CommSemiring R] [Semiring A] [Algebra R A] (𝒜 : ι Submodule R A) [GradedAlgebra 𝒜] : A ≃ₐ[R] DirectSum ι fun i => (𝒜 i)
DirectSum.decomposeAlgEquiv: {ι : Type u_1} → {R : Type u_2} → {A : Type u_3} → [inst : DecidableEq ι] → [inst_1 : AddMonoid ι] → [inst_2 : CommSemiring R] → [inst_3 : Semiring A] → [inst_4 : Algebra R A] → (𝒜 : ι → Submodule R A) → [inst_5 : GradedAlgebra 𝒜] → A ≃ₐ[R] DirectSum ι fun i => ↥(𝒜 i)
ExteriorAlgebra.liftAlternatingEquiv.{u_3, u_2, u_1} {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [AddCommGroup N] [Module R M] [Module R N] : ((i : ℕ) M [⋀^Fin i]→ₗ[R] N) ≃ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M →ₗ[R] N
ExteriorAlgebra.liftAlternatingEquiv: {R : Type u_1} → {M : Type u_2} → {N : Type u_3} → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : AddCommGroup N] → [inst_3 : Module R M] → [inst_4 : Module R N] → ((i : ℕ) → M [⋀^Fin i]→ₗ[R] N) ≃ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M →ₗ[R] N
Module.Free.{u, v} (R : Type u) (M : Type v) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] : Prop
Module.Free: (R : Type u) → (M : Type v) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Prop
Module.Free.directSum.{u_3, u_2, u} (R : Type u) [Semiring R] : Type u_2} (M : ι Type u_3) [(i : ι) AddCommMonoid (M i)] [(i : ι) Module R (M i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)] : Module.Free R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i)
Module.Free.directSum: ∀ (R : Type u) [inst : Semiring R] {ι : Type u_2} (M : ι → Type u_3) [inst_1 : (i : ι) → AddCommMonoid (M i)] [inst_2 : (i : ι) → Module R (M i)] [inst_3 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M i)], Module.Free R (DirectSum ι fun i => M i)
Module.rank.{u_1, u_2} (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] : Cardinal.{u_2}
Module.rank: (R : Type u_1) → (M : Type u_2) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Cardinal.{u_2}
Q.B : LinearMap.BilinForm R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
B: {R : Type uR} → [inst : CommRing R] → {M : Type uM} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → QuadraticForm R M → LinearMap.BilinForm R M
CliffordAlgebra.equivExterior Q : CliffordAlgebra Q ≃ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M
CliffordAlgebra.equivExterior: {R : Type uR} → [inst : CommRing R] → {M : Type uM} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → (Q : QuadraticForm R M) → [inst_3 : Invertible 2] → CliffordAlgebra Q ≃ₗ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Module.Free.multilinearMap.{u_4, u_3, u_2, u_1} : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} {M₂ : Type u_3} {M₁ : ι Type u_4} [Finite ι] [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M₂] [Module R M₂] [Module.Finite R M₂] [Module.Free R M₂] [(i : ι) AddCommGroup (M₁ i)] [(i : ι) Module R (M₁ i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Finite R (M₁ i)] [ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M₁ i)] : Module.Free R (MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂)
Module.Free.multilinearMap: ∀ {ι : Type u_1} {R : Type u_2} {M₂ : Type u_3} {M₁ : ι → Type u_4} [inst : Finite ι] [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M₂] [inst_2 : Module R M₂] [inst_3 : Module.Finite R M₂] [inst_4 : Module.Free R M₂] [inst_5 : (i : ι) → AddCommGroup (M₁ i)] [inst_6 : (i : ι) → Module R (M₁ i)] [inst_7 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Finite R (M₁ i)] [inst_8 : ∀ (i : ι), Module.Free R (M₁ i)], Module.Free R (MultilinearMap R M₁ M₂)
CliffordAlgebra.equivBaseChange.{u_3, u_2, u_1} {R : Type u_1} (A : Type u_2) {V : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [CommRing A] [AddCommGroup V] [Algebra R A] [Module R V] [Invertible 2] (Q : QuadraticForm R V) : CliffordAlgebra (QuadraticForm.baseChange A Q) ≃ₐ[A] TensorProduct R A (CliffordAlgebra Q)
CliffordAlgebra.equivBaseChange: {R : Type u_1} → (A : Type u_2) → {V : Type u_3} → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst_1 : CommRing A] → [inst_2 : AddCommGroup V] → [inst_3 : Algebra R A] → [inst_4 : Module R V] → [inst_5 : Invertible 2] → (Q : QuadraticForm R V) → CliffordAlgebra (QuadraticForm.baseChange A Q) ≃ₐ[A] TensorProduct R A (CliffordAlgebra Q)
TensorAlgebra.rank_eq.{uR, uM} {R : Type uR} {M : Type uM} [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [Nontrivial R] [Module.Free R M] : Module.rank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
TensorAlgebra.rank_eq: ∀ {R : Type uR} {M : Type uM} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_2 : Module R M] [inst_3 : Nontrivial R] [inst_4 : Module.Free R M], Module.rank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
TensorAlgebra.equivFreeAlgebra.{uκ, uR, uM} : Type uκ} {R : Type uR} {M : Type uM} [CommSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] (b : Basis κ R M) : TensorAlgebra R M ≃ₐ[R] FreeAlgebra R κ
TensorAlgebra.equivFreeAlgebra: {κ : Type uκ} → {R : Type uR} → {M : Type uM} → [inst : CommSemiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → Basis κ R M → TensorAlgebra R M ≃ₐ[R] FreeAlgebra R κ
TensorAlgebra.toExterior.{u1, u2} {R : Type u1} [CommRing R] {M : Type u2} [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] : TensorAlgebra R M →ₐ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M
TensorAlgebra.toExterior: {R : Type u1} → [inst : CommRing R] → {M : Type u2} → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → TensorAlgebra R M →ₐ[R] ExteriorAlgebra R M
ExteriorAlgebra.gradedAlgebra.{u_2, u_1} (R : Type u_1) (M : Type u_2) [CommRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] : GradedAlgebra fun i => [R]^i M
ExteriorAlgebra.gradedAlgebra: (R : Type u_1) → (M : Type u_2) → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → GradedAlgebra fun i => ⋀[R]^i M
gradedAlgebra R M : GradedAlgebra fun i => [R]^i M
ExteriorAlgebra.gradedAlgebra: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : CommRing R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst_2 : Module R M] → GradedAlgebra fun i => ⋀[R]^i M
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
-- example : Module.Free R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) := by -- done -- example : (∀ i, M [Λ^Fin i]→ₗ[R] M) = (∀ i, AlternatingMap R M M i) := by -- done
example: ∀ {R : Type uR} [inst : CommRing R] [inst_1 : Nontrivial R] {M : Type uM} [inst_2 : AddCommGroup M] [inst_3 : Module R M] [inst_4 : Module.Finite R M], Module.rank R M = ↑(finrank R M)
Module.rank: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommMonoid M] → [inst : Module R M] → Cardinal.{uM}
R: Type uR
M: Type uM
finrank: (R : Type uR) → (M : Type uM) → [inst : Semiring R] → [inst_1 : AddCommGroup M] → [inst : Module R M] → ℕ
R: Type uR
M: Type uM

Goals accomplished! 🐙

Goals accomplished! 🐙

Goals accomplished! 🐙
-- example : finrank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = 2^(finrank R M) := by -- done -- example : finrank R (CliffordAlgebra Q) = 2^(finrank R M) := by -- -- let em := CliffordAlgebra.equivExterior Q -- -- let Ex := em Cl -- have h1 : finrank R (CliffordAlgebra Q) = finrank R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) := by -- apply LinearEquiv.finrank_eq -- exact CliffordAlgebra.equivExterior Q -- have h2 : finrank R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) = finrank R (∀ i, M [Λ^Fin i]→ₗ[R] M) := by -- apply LinearEquiv.finrank_eq -- exact ExteriorAlgebra.liftAlternatingEquiv R M -- have h3 : finrank R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) = 2^(finrank R M) := by -- done -- done -- noncomputable def ExteriorAlgebra.equivFreeAlgebra (b : Basis κ R M) : -- ExteriorAlgebra R M ≃ₐ[R] FreeAlgebra R κ := by -- apply AlgEquiv.ofAlgHom -- . apply ExteriorAlgebra.lift -- done -- -- (ExteriorAlgebra.lift _ (Finsupp.total _ _ _ (FreeAlgebra.ι _) ∘ₗ b.repr.toLinearMap)) -- -- (FreeAlgebra.lift _ (ι R ∘ b)) -- -- (by ext; simp) -- -- (hom_ext <| b.ext <| fun i => by simp) lemma rank_eq : Module.rank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR} (Cardinal.sum fun n Module.rank R M ^ n) :=

Goals accomplished! 🐙
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Module.rank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Module.rank R (TensorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Module.rank R (FreeAlgebra R κ) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.mk (List κ)) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Cardinal.mk κ ^ n) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)
κ✝: Type
R: Type uR
inst✝⁸: CommRing R
inst✝⁷: Invertible 2
inst✝⁶: Nontrivial R
M: Type uM
inst✝⁵: AddCommGroup M
inst✝⁴: Module R M
Q: QuadraticForm R M
Cl: CliffordAlgebra Q
Ex: ExteriorAlgebra R M
inst✝³: Module.Finite R M
inst✝²: Module.Free R M
ι: Type
inst✝¹: DecidableEq ι
inst✝: AddMonoid ι
𝒜: ι Submodule R (ExteriorAlgebra R M)
κ: Type uM
b: Basis κ R M

Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n) = Cardinal.lift.{uR, uM} (Cardinal.sum fun n => Module.rank R M ^ n)

Goals accomplished! 🐙
-- lemma rank_eq' : -- Module.rank R (ExteriorAlgebra R M) = Cardinal.lift.{uR} (Cardinal.sum fun n ↦ Module.rank R M ^ n) := by -- let ⟨⟨κ, b⟩⟩ := Module.Free.exists_basis (R := R) (M := M) -- rw [(ExteriorAlgebra.equivFreeAlgebra b).toLinearEquiv.rank_eq, FreeAlgebra.rank_eq, Cardinal.mk_list_eq_sum_pow, -- Basis.mk_eq_rank'' b] -- done example : Module.rank R M = Module.rank R M := rfl -- example : Module.rank R (CliffordAlgebra Q) = Module.rank R M := by -- done -- example (x y : M) : Q.B x y + Q.B y x = 2 * Q.B x y := by -- have h1: Q (x + y) = Q x + Q y + Q.B x y := by -- obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := Q.exists_companion -- done -- have h2 : Q.B x y = Q (x + y) - Q x - Q y := by -- have h : Q.B x y = Q.B y x := by -- done -- done